Re: OR mapping# Java - 爪哇娇娃
So far TopLink is the most sophiscated one, not for free though.
The factors you need to consider whether to use a OR mapping tool
or to go directly through JDBC are:
1.learning curve. commercial tools like TopLink can handle very
complex schema, which implies complex OR mapping description scheme
that takes steep learning curve.
2.performance. if you feel like OR maping will be your bottleneck,
JDBC is probably the way to go.
3.budget. if you plan to deploy your product on client site, licens

Cocobase said that they're very easy to learn. For a people
not expert
in Database, it's perhaps even easier to learn OR mapping
Cocobase announced they have 400% performance surge over
your JDBC code.
Even with connection pool, sometimes your handcoding will
forget to
return the connection.
This is true. They cost you dearly. But i think cocobase
doesn't require
you to install anything of theirs. They just generate those
classes for
you instead of you write your own.
It's true. but coco

【在 m******t 的大作中提到】
: So far TopLink is the most sophiscated one, not for free though.
: The factors you need to consider whether to use a OR mapping tool
: or to go directly through JDBC are:
: 1.learning curve. commercial tools like TopLink can handle very
: complex schema, which implies complex OR mapping description scheme
: that takes steep learning curve.
: 2.performance. if you feel like OR maping will be your bottleneck,
: JDBC is probably the way to go.
: 3.budget. if you plan to deploy your product on client site, licens

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