No joke: Belize Confirms Patient With Ebola Symptoms On Cruise Ship Off Its Coast
No joke: Belize Confirms Patient With Ebola Symptoms On Cruise Ship Off Its Coast# Joke - 肚皮舞运动
Reports tonight are that two individuals possibly infected with the Ebola
virus are in Belizean waters. Local TV station Channel 7 monitored in the
capital City Of Belmopan tonight, reported having credible reports that a
couple from a Texas-based cruise ship presently anchored off Belize City, is
on a ship tender, unable to return to the cruise ship, while being refused
entry to Belize City to catch an air ambulance awaiting at the International
Airport to take them to the their country of origin, the U.S.A. The
television station in its broadcast tonight said Belize health authorities
contacted tonight have so far refused to deny or confirm the report. The
patient exhibiting Ebola symptoms has been confirmed to be a nurse at a
Dallas hospital traveling with her husband.
Later tonight in breaking news, Channel 5 Belize reported that it has:
“Confirmed with representatives of the Ministry of Health that they have
indeed received a report that there is at least one passenger on board the
cruise ship, Carnival Magic, showing symptoms similar to that of the Ebola
virus. According to the report made to MOH, the person exhibiting the
symptoms did not come ashore today. The ship is reportedly carrying 3652
passengers and a total population of 4633 persons.
“The Carnival Magic departed from Galveston Texas on Sunday, October 12
arrived in Mahogany Bay, Honduras on Wednesday October 15 and arrived in
Belize this morning, Thursday October 16.
“The ship was scheduled to leave Belize en route to Cozumel this evening at
5pm. However, it is still anchored in Belizean waters near State Bank Caye.”
“We have also have confirmed that the Belize Coast Guard has been deployed
to prevent anyone from leaving the ship; including the Belizean pilot on
In a press conference held last weak, Belize’s Ministry of Health stated
that in the event of an outbreak of Ebola in Belize, no patient would be
allowed into the commercial capital Belize City, where most of the Belize
government cabinet officials reside. The MOH stated that the government
hospital, the Karl Heuesner Memorial Hospital has but one Intensive Care
Unit and they would not allow this to be overrun with Ebola patients. Belize
is a a very poor country on the Yucatan Peninsula that depends to a large
extent on tourism and grants from Venezuela for its foreign exchange income.
Belize City is currently the main port of call for cruise ships.
Update: Channel 7 news anchor Indira Craig has posted on her Facebook page
that Belize Prime Minister Dean Barrow in a callous move in view of very
close Belize-U.S. relations, has denied entry into Belize for the stricken U
.S. nationals to be air lifted to the U.S.A. for treatment:
“Talks have concluded with the PM and The US State Department officials.
Belize WILL NOT BE GRANTING ACCESS to the suspected passengers to have entry
onto our shores. An official release will be sent out shortly by government
followed by a press conference to be held tomorrow.Passports have been
returned so this scare has ended.”
In a late night official press release issued by the Belize Press Office,
the Belize government offered its version of the Belize Ebola Incident.It
stresses that while the patient did not disembark in Belize, it does not
address the question that thousands of cruise ship passengers that may have
had contact with the patient(s) did in fact disembark and tour Belize City
Belmopan. October 16, 2014. The Government of Belize was contacted today by
officers of the U.S. Government and made aware of a cruise ship passenger
considered of very low risk for Ebola. The passenger had voluntarily entered
quarantine on board the ship and remains free of any fever or other
symptoms of illness. The Ebola virus may only be spread by patients who are
experiencing fever and symptoms of illness and so the US Government had
emphasized the very low risk category in this case. Nonetheless, out of an
abundance of caution, the Government of Belize decided not to facilitate a U
.S. request for assistance in evacuating the passenger through the Phillip
Goldson International Airport.
The GOB reassures the public that the passenger never set foot in Belize and
while we remain in close contact with US officials we have maintained the
position that when even the smallest doubt remains, we will ensure the
health and safety of the Belizean people. The Prime Minister has called a
press conference tomorrow morning to further address any concerns that may
arise from this event.
Update From Carnival Cruise Lines: John Head, Carnival Senior Cruise
Director wrote on his FaceBook Page:
“Late afternoon on Wednesday, Oct. 15., we were made aware by the U.S. CDC
of a guest sailing this week on board Carnival Magic who is a lab supervisor
at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital. At no point in time has the
individual exhibited any symptoms or signs of infection and it has been 19
days since she was in the lab with the testing samples. She is deemed by CDC
to be very low risk. At this time, the guest remains in isolation on board
the ship and is not deemed to be a risk to any guests or crew. It is
important to reiterate that the individual has no symptoms and has been
isolated in an extreme abundance of caution. We are in close contact with
the CDC and at this time it has been determined that the appropriate course
of action is to simply keep the guest in isolation on board.”