学术一下腹部脂肪# Joke - 肚皮舞运动
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从几个月前,我开始健身,并且看各种想关的文章。我发现最近一个比较hot topic就
A new Michigan State University study now offers new details showing that a
certain protein released from fat in the body can cause a non-cancerous cell
to turn into a cancerous one. The federally funded research also found that
a lower layer of abdominal fat, when compared to fat just under the skin,
is the more likely culprit, releasing even more of this protein and
encouraging tumor growth.
"Our study suggests that body mass index, or BMI, may not be the best
indicator," Bernard said. "It's abdominal obesity, and even more
specifically, levels of a protein called fibroblast growth factor-2 that may
be a better indicator of the risk of cells becoming cancerous."
"Given the difference in gene expression profiles, a female fat tissue won't
behave anything like a male fat tissue and vice versa," Dr. Clegg said. "
The notion that fat cells between males and females are alike is
inconsistent with our findings."
In humans, men are more likely to carry extra weight around their guts while
pre-menopausal women store it in their butts, thighs and hips. The bad news
for men is that belly, or visceral, fat has been associated with numerous
obesity-related diseases including diabetes and heart disease. Women, on the
other hand, are generally protected from these obesity-related disorders
until menopause, when their ovarian hormone levels drop and fat storage
tends to shift from their rear ends to their waists.
Visceral fat puts pressure on organs like your heart, kidneys, and liver,
making it harder for them to function properly
Visceral fat is closely linked to many life-threatening diseases such as
Visceral fat impacts hormonal function, which creates the "snowball effect"
- having a build-up of visceral fat makes it more likely that you are going
to gain even more fat in the future
A new Michigan State University study now offers new details showing that a
certain protein released from fat in the body can cause a non-cancerous cell
to turn into a cancerous one. The federally funded research also found that
a lower layer of abdominal fat, when compared to fat just under the skin,
is the more likely culprit, releasing even more of this protein and
encouraging tumor growth.
"Our study suggests that body mass index, or BMI, may not be the best
indicator," Bernard said. "It's abdominal obesity, and even more
specifically, levels of a protein called fibroblast growth factor-2 that may
be a better indicator of the risk of cells becoming cancerous."
"Given the difference in gene expression profiles, a female fat tissue won't
behave anything like a male fat tissue and vice versa," Dr. Clegg said. "
The notion that fat cells between males and females are alike is
inconsistent with our findings."
In humans, men are more likely to carry extra weight around their guts while
pre-menopausal women store it in their butts, thighs and hips. The bad news
for men is that belly, or visceral, fat has been associated with numerous
obesity-related diseases including diabetes and heart disease. Women, on the
other hand, are generally protected from these obesity-related disorders
until menopause, when their ovarian hormone levels drop and fat storage
tends to shift from their rear ends to their waists.
Visceral fat puts pressure on organs like your heart, kidneys, and liver,
making it harder for them to function properly
Visceral fat is closely linked to many life-threatening diseases such as
Visceral fat impacts hormonal function, which creates the "snowball effect"
- having a build-up of visceral fat makes it more likely that you are going
to gain even more fat in the future