3 楼
No limitations on immigration status.But if you are a LLM, you must pass the
eligibility exam by State.
eligibility exam by State.
5 楼
As far as I know, CA and NY allow LLM students to take bar exam after
passing the eligibility exam. I have no ideas of other states.
passing the eligibility exam. I have no ideas of other states.
求购:PLI patent bar materialLLM from T14 school VS. JD from T80-100 school关于租赁的法律问题有JD 加 中国LLB 才是最有用的。。转让LSAT材料牙医做根管治疗,做错了牙齿。有关"Scientific/technical advisor" 办H1 的job classification问题请教:分居协议marital separation agreement in NYC再次感受到layoff的残酷学校下载wii游戏被抓了请问如果被裁而不得不退房,要付违约费吗?如果有一天法学院学费涨到百万紧急求助各位!!!!parallel flaw岳母B1来美,急诊账单一万美元,不付钱的后果?请教一下关于patent的问题。。。。真诚请教:请问有人知道新加坡有IP工作机会吗?LLM选校求助~~老公(in house counsel) 被laid off 了:-(儿子被打得4颗牙松动,我该怎么办?