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You are a foreigner and you do not have jury duty. Do not worry about it.
If you are really scared, write to the court to explain your situation.
Though there are severe consequences, many Americans skip jury duty anyway. According to a web article, "No one keeps national figures
on jury duty no-shows, but the American Judicature Society considers the
problem an epidemic in some communities, especially large urban areas such
as Miami, Houston and Atlanta, where no-show rates routinely top 50%
If you are really scared, write to the court to explain your situation.
Though there are severe consequences, many Americans skip jury duty anyway. According to a web article, "No one keeps national figures
on jury duty no-shows, but the American Judicature Society considers the
problem an epidemic in some communities, especially large urban areas such
as Miami, Houston and Atlanta, where no-show rates routinely top 50%
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