Immediate Need Actuarial System Team那边走了一个人,原来也打算招一个人,所以共有两个空缺。 主要是做database management. candidate最好是experienced SAS programmer,CS major最好, actuarial related experience will be a plus, but not necessary. 工资估计在$45-50k之间.不用考精算考试,但如果有兴趣,公司可以sponsor。工作优 点是压力不大,light work load,缺点是上升空间不大,不过公司提供内部换部门的 机会,进来以后可以再转。走了的那个analyst就去了finance department,所以还是 非常flexible的。 有兴趣的发简历至z*****[email protected], 注明申请actuarial system analyst.
I am not an expect on this, but I think it is a bad idea to change the prescription yourself. Clonazepam is a strong benzodiazepine, the abrupt cessation of which can cause life threatening withdrawal. Carbamazepine can also cause severe adverse side effects. You should be very cautious about these medicine, and don't mess with them if you don't have enough experience with them.
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【在 T*x 的大作中提到】
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【在 b*********n 的大作中提到】 : 谢谢
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先去你居住地的公证处问出生公证需要什么材料。然后一件件备齐就行了。至于没有的 问怎么补救。出生公证不知道公证处能查到档案否,但婚姻关系可查到。 Good luck