Seller Agent 可以这样来hold钱吗? 同时求推荐律师! (转载)# Law - 律师事务所
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功放是Kenwood VR-5090,症状是有vedio pass through 没有 audio pass through,
1. The problem is a power surge. Something came from one of the other units
into the front end of the unit, electrical surges can travel through
equipment with out doing damage. At some point the surge however will go to
ground and may well jump around and damage many parts of the unit.
2.The input is an open conduit to the switch that allows you
功放是Kenwood VR-5090,症状是有vedio pass through 没有 audio pass through,
1. The problem is a power surge. Something came from one of the other units
into the front end of the unit, electrical surges can travel through
equipment with out doing damage. At some point the surge however will go to
ground and may well jump around and damage many parts of the unit.
2.The input is an open conduit to the switch that allows you