How to protect yourself when you absorb other people's negative energy zz
How to protect yourself when you absorb other people's negative energy zz# LeisureTime - 读书听歌看电影
Hello readers,
I was browsing a bulletin board where energy healers converse and I replied
to a posting from a lady who
was having trouble taking in other people's negative energy when she was
doing healing work or just by
being around other people.
The following is my reply to her. I thought you might benefit from this
information as well.
Dear Cate,
I am an energy healer myself and I just ran across your posting and I wanted
to reply to you. When I first
began to learn about my empathic abilities, I started getting information at
high volume and high speed. It
was exciting at first but after a while, I could tell that if I didn't
control it, it would become detrimental.
Just like the response from Jen, intention is everything when working with
energy. I simply decided that I
would not walk around knowing what is going on with every person that I
bumped into. I made a decision
(a very firm intent) to be in control of the information that I was willing
to receive. So set an intent. Tell your
subconscious mind that you only want to be made aware of events as a thought
and that you choose to
block the emotional content. Keep telling your subconscious mind your desire
until it complies. It will take
orders, so be firm.
Also, ask for guidance from your guides and angels around this issue. Ask
them to do a healing on you to
assist you in shutting out the negative noise that is out in the world. When
it comes to energy, the negative
energies are very loud, that is why they are the first to be noticed. They
are not as powerful as love, but
they are far more noisy. So you must tune yourself into silence and
transmute the energy into information
only. Again, all of this is done with intent.
You should also practice grounding and dumping out. Grounding is connecting
the energy in your body to
the center of the Earth. You imagine a ball of energy in the area of your
womb just below your belly button
in the center of your body. Then imagine that a beam of energy flows out of
the ball of energy, straight
down between your legs, through the floor, and into the center of the earth.
This is your grounding cord
and just like electricity in a house, it gathers and collects excess energy
in your body, aura, and energy
bodies and sends it into the earth. The earth uses this energy so you do not
need to fear that you are doing
any harm to the earth. The energy is transmuted and reused by the earth so
there is no problem.
Grounding is an automatic release mechanism, almost like flushing a toilet.
You should ground yourself any
time you feel stress, when you want to be more "present" in the moment, when
you want to release
negative energies or emotions, and at the end of the day as a regular
cleanup type of maintenance. It is a
very healthy thing to do. When you are comfortable with this basic grounding
, know that you can ground
anything like your chakras, energy bodies, the energy of a room, a situation
, any object, another person,
etc. Let your spirit guide you on how to use the grounding technique.
In addition to grounding, after you run energy (if you run energy through
your body) it is important to
"dump out". You "dump out" by placing your hands (palms) and feet flat on
the floor at the same time and
setting the intent to release excess energy that is in your shoulders, neck,
arms, and legs. This is best
performed sitting in a chair where you can easily bend over and touch your
hands to the ground. But do it
in any way that is comfortable physically. There is no specific protocol,
mostly just the intent will do.
These two releasing techniques will help you wash away negative energies
that have entered your body and
subtle energy system.
Remember to be empowered and take charge of your space! It is your space and
you get to say what does
and doesn't come into or out of it. Set a firm intention and work with your
guides and subconscious to make
it so.
In addition to these techniques, you can create energetic protection by
intending to put yourself in a
geometric shape like a pyramid, a tetrahedron, or merkaba. The pyramid is
the simplest. Just envision
yourself in a pyramid that is either clear, coated with a layer of healing
gold energy, or even a blue energy
for protection. Sometimes I envision myself in a pyramid that is made of
mirrors so that the negative
energy coming towards me is simply reflected back to its source. This works
very nicely.
A tetrahedron is a diamond shape of two pyramids that are inverted and
joined at their bases. This is one of
the strongest molecular shapes in nature. It is powerful and if you envision
yourself in a tetrahedron,
nothing will get through to you. Use these shapes along with your intention
and coat them with energy as a
reinforcement. You can even program these protective shapes to let love in
and neutralize negativity
coming towards you or from you to others.
And one other note, as a healer it is important that you keep your vibration
high. If you are really empathic,
it is easy to match another person's energy and often there energy is at a
low vibration because they are
suffering in some way (physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually.)
Practice maintaining a high state of
vibration so that your patients can entrain to your energy instead of you
matching their energy.
I hope this helps!
If you'd like any more information, you can contact me on my website which