Re: 荷马史事,由谁看过?
Re: 荷马史事,由谁看过?# Literature - 文海拾贝
I haven't read the Trojan Women yet. Is it about Cassandra
and co.?
I like Aeschylus' Agamemnon, but of the 3 tragedians, I
favor Sopheclus most. Among the 3, Aeschylus, the 1st of 3
chronically, was more on the Gods' side and more or less
spoke for them; Euripides, the last, challenges the (then)
existent of principles and goverance of Gods; Sopheclus was
somewhere in the middle, he depicted more of the acceptance
of fate and destiny.
Social-wise, Euripides represented a more advanced attitude,

Not really. Cassandra is one of the protagonists under the
drama's title, Trojan Women, but she's not the only or most
important one. Rather, there is her mother, the king's wife
Hecuba, and her sister in law, the great Hector's widow and
many other anonymous Trojan women. There is no definite plot,
almost no action but their laments for what had already been
fact and what is going to be upon them -- the Greek's
arrangement on their future. Addition to the voices of
multitude, of justice soun

【在 w****b 的大作中提到】
: I haven't read the Trojan Women yet. Is it about Cassandra
: and co.?
: I like Aeschylus' Agamemnon, but of the 3 tragedians, I
: favor Sopheclus most. Among the 3, Aeschylus, the 1st of 3
: chronically, was more on the Gods' side and more or less
: spoke for them; Euripides, the last, challenges the (then)
: existent of principles and goverance of Gods; Sopheclus was
: somewhere in the middle, he depicted more of the acceptance
: of fate and destiny.
: Social-wise, Euripides represented a more advanced attitude,

I agree with you. In many cases we find that comedy never
mateialized. It's easy enough to say comedies actually cast
lights of wisdoms to the obvious mundane facts but we've all
seen comedies lost in their way by bearing "an unbearable
lightness", and simply degenerated to vulgarness and cheap
I came across this today:

【在 e***e 的大作中提到】
: Not really. Cassandra is one of the protagonists under the
: drama's title, Trojan Women, but she's not the only or most
: important one. Rather, there is her mother, the king's wife
: Hecuba, and her sister in law, the great Hector's widow and
: many other anonymous Trojan women. There is no definite plot,
: almost no action but their laments for what had already been
: fact and what is going to be upon them -- the Greek's
: arrangement on their future. Addition to the voices of
: multitude, of justice soun
