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If you have read my earlier blog, you should have known that Francis is the
dog of my wife's supervisor's. She is a beautiful, proud dog. Francis is
sleeping, actually at this moment in my bed. She is a good dog, only snores
lightly. And she dreams almost every night since she is with us. What is she
dreaming about? I am almost certain that she is hunting or chasing
something like a squirrel in those dreams. I know it because she would open
her eyes unconsciously and blink really fast, open and close without
focusing on anything; her nose moves around like she is smelling and
tracking; her legs move randomly like running; at the same time, her body
shakes. It is so funny. Oh now she is snoring hard like an old woman. What
can you do about it? She is a dog.
Her owner will be back tomorrow and she will go back to her own home. I will
miss her a lot.
dog of my wife's supervisor's. She is a beautiful, proud dog. Francis is
sleeping, actually at this moment in my bed. She is a good dog, only snores
lightly. And she dreams almost every night since she is with us. What is she
dreaming about? I am almost certain that she is hunting or chasing
something like a squirrel in those dreams. I know it because she would open
her eyes unconsciously and blink really fast, open and close without
focusing on anything; her nose moves around like she is smelling and
tracking; her legs move randomly like running; at the same time, her body
shakes. It is so funny. Oh now she is snoring hard like an old woman. What
can you do about it? She is a dog.
Her owner will be back tomorrow and she will go back to her own home. I will
miss her a lot.
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