about lease time between landlord and tenant (转载)
about lease time between landlord and tenant (转载)# Living
【 以下文字转载自 Law 讨论区 】
发信人: bentian (朴素的本田), 信区: Law
标 题: about lease time between landlord and tenant
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jun 17 17:00:48 2011, 美东)
o The landlord said the lease time on the lease doesn’t matter and let me
sign a lease with 6-month, although I made it clear that I only planned to
live for 4-6 months when I contacted her and just before signing the lease.
She said the same thing to another tenant. If I proved that she said this,
will judge favor to me in a small claim court?
o I lived in the condo for 3 months and 25 days. I have paid full 4 month’s
rent. When I lived there, there are 5 people lived in the condo (landlord
leases dining room and living room to other tenants) and the local community
only allows 4 people in her two-bedroom condo, thus techniquely she should
not lease my bedroom to other people. Even if the judge favors the written
lease, can landlord claim two-months’ rent loss? If not, can I get my
security deposit back?