Rental Lease ends April/02, how to make an offer?
Rental Lease ends April/02, how to make an offer?# Living
Hi,We found a house that we like last week, it has been on market for
several months, without price adjustment. It is in great school district. We
want to make an offer, but we live in an apartment which lease expires
April the next year. If we leave apartment soon, it is hard to find sublease
, we might need to pay the remaining fee till April (2300 per month). I am
wondering if we can make an offer now, and ask 90 days for closing. Is that
too long for seller to consider? or we wait till the middle of next month,
and make an offer with 60 days for closing. As the house is on the market
for several months, so we do not think there are others buyers or offers
that we need to compete right now. If we wait for the next month to make an
offer,I am afraid to lose it, my LG does not think so. But the other
possibility it that the seller might reduce price as well. The house is
empty now, the sellers moved to another bigger house. If we make an offer
now, we might offer the price at 90% of asking price, if we also want 90
days closing, is that too much for seller to even seriously consider our
offer? Do not want to offend the seller though. We have great FICO scores
and can put 60% as down payment. How to handle this? Shall we make an offer
now or just wait? Thank you very much for any comments!
your problem is not a problem. If you really like the house, you better not
to wait to make an offer. Just make an offer and try to close in Feb/March.
Since your lease is ending in April, you need to start to make an offer now
to make sure you will have a home by April/March. You never know if the sale
will go through or not.
Thank you for the reply. My apartment lease ends at the end of April. If I
make an offer now, close at March, it is almost 3 months for closing, I am
wondering if this is too long for the seller. The seller might want me to
close by the end of Jan, then I need to pay rental for 3 months (Feb, March,
April), it costs almost 7k for 3 months, so I am debating if we should make
an offer later.


【在 p**********9 的大作中提到】
: your problem is not a problem. If you really like the house, you better not
: to wait to make an offer. Just make an offer and try to close in Feb/March.
: Since your lease is ending in April, you need to start to make an offer now
: to make sure you will have a home by April/March. You never know if the sale
: will go through or not.

不晓得你的rental有多少。换位思考,为了这些rental的钱,损失一个dream house if
it is,是不是值得?另外你rental损失的钱直接算在你的offer price里面就好了。
。总之是看一个full package deal。如果喜欢房子,价格也好,算上损失的rental也


【在 m***b 的大作中提到】
: Thank you for the reply. My apartment lease ends at the end of April. If I
: make an offer now, close at March, it is almost 3 months for closing, I am
: wondering if this is too long for the seller. The seller might want me to
: close by the end of Jan, then I need to pay rental for 3 months (Feb, March,
: April), it costs almost 7k for 3 months, so I am debating if we should make
: an offer later.
: not
: .
: now
