Fed to Keep Rates Low Through at Least 2014
Fed to Keep Rates Low Through at Least 2014# Living
PD 11/2009的NIW,因为搬家改了地址,今天485状态变成initial review,这个是假的
FED 看来是铁心维持 0 利率,根本不 CARE 通货膨胀, 也不 CARE 吹起新的
Fed Expects to Keep Rates Low Through at Least 2014
Published: Wednesday, 25 Jan 2012 | 1:03 PM ET Text Size By: Reuters
The U.S. Federal Reserve on Wednesday said it will not raise interest rates
until at least late 2014, even later than investors expected, in an effort
to support a sluggish economic recovery.
After the announcement, U.S. stocks pared losses while Brent and U.S. crude
futures rose. Meanwhile, the dollar erased gains against the euro. U.S.
Treasurys hit session highs, and gold futures also gained.
Without making major shifts to its outlook for the economy, the central bank
described the unemployment rate as still elevated and said it expects
inflation to remain at levels consistent with stable prices.
It depicted business investment as having slowed, downgrading its assessment
from the December meeting.
Economic conditions "are likely to warrant exceptionally low levels for the
federal funds rate at least through late 2014," the central bank said in a
Richmond Fed President Jeffrey Lacker, an inflation hawk who rotated into a
voting seat this year, dissented against the decision. He preferred to omit
the description of the time period for ultra-low rates.
As part of an effort to provide more insight on its thinking to financial
markets and the public, the Fed later on Wednesday will begin publishing
individual policymakers' projections for the appropriate path of the
benchmark federal funds rate. That release is scheduled for 2 p.m.
If the Fed can convince financial markets it will be on hold longer than
they had anticipated, long-term interest rates could drop as investors price
in the new information.
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"A significant contingent of the committee views this exercise not so much
as a process improvement but more as an opportunity to ease again via the
forward rate communications channel," Stephen Stanley, an economist at
Pierpoint Securities, said ahead of the Fed's announcement.
There is also the possibility that officials will announce an explicit
inflation target, perhaps a hard marker of 2 percent or a range of 2 percent
or a bit below. The Fed has been debating a statement on its long-run goals
, but whether one will be released on Wednesday is unclear.
While forecasters expect the U.S. economy grew at a 3 percent annual rate in
the last three months of 2011, they look for growth of just around 2
percent this year.
Fed officials appear likely to bide their time in determining whether more
monetary stimulus is needed. Many economists expect they will eventually
decide on another spurt of Fed bond buying — probably one focused on
mortgage debt.
In response to the deepest recession in generations, the Fed slashed the
overnight federal funds rate to near zero in December 2008. It has also more
than tripled the size of its balance sheet to around $2.9 trillion through
two separate bond purchase programs.
The policy is credited with having prevented an even more devastating
downturn, but it has been insufficient to bring unemployment down to levels
considered normal during good economic times.
In December, the U.S. jobless rate stood at 8.5 percent, and some 13 million
Americans were still actively looking for work but could not find it.
Analysts said the Fed's shift in communications will put an even greater
emphasis on a post-meeting news conference by Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke set
for 2:15 p.m.
"The chairman is likely to remain non-committal to any additional policy
easing, but he is likely to reinforce the Fed's commitment to 'review the
size and composition of its securities holdings' and be 'prepared to adjust
those holdings as appropriate,'" said Millan Mulraine, senior macro
strategist at TD Securities.
Copyright 2012 Thomson Reuters. Click for restrictions.
Is this a rookie question?

【在 M*4 的大作中提到】
: PD 11/2009的NIW,因为搬家改了地址,今天485状态变成initial review,这个是假的
: 吧?过两天还得变回acceptance是吧?

CAO their family!!!!
pretty much

【在 M*4 的大作中提到】
: Is this a rookie question?
$$$从哪里来? keep printing?
Then the answer is? I searched for it on this board but really could not
find a solid answer.

【在 s***y 的大作中提到】
: pretty much
Don't worry, as long as you keep your money in real estate, stock market,
you should be able to hedge the inflation.