2 楼
就算你一分钱都没装修 就说给agent的 5%
就算你一分钱都没装修 就说给agent的 5%
6 楼
for your own living, it doesn't worth the money/effort. think about the time
and energy you put before making the decision to buy the house, taking
aside the moving and cleaning chaos...
I can only say this and next year (2014) at a least possibility can see any
good gain in house prices
However, right now a rising business in the states is to buy in under-the-
water properties, refurb and resale/rent out... this is one of the reasons
why the house market shows positive signs.
for your own living, it doesn't worth the money/effort. think about the time
and energy you put before making the decision to buy the house, taking
aside the moving and cleaning chaos...
I can only say this and next year (2014) at a least possibility can see any
good gain in house prices
However, right now a rising business in the states is to buy in under-the-
water properties, refurb and resale/rent out... this is one of the reasons
why the house market shows positive signs.
7 楼
但是费心思 自家房子操心啊
但是费心思 自家房子操心啊
异地卖房建议Morris NJ附近求推荐real estate律师家里自来水中有小黑点,咋处理?请教:屋主愿意降价$10万,有没有问题?closing date 30天是从签offer那天算,还是签contract的那天算呀?德州14天用了10000 gallon水,正常吗?求助:湾区“measure O”住房问题Please recommend an inspector at Atlanta谁有杀carpenter ants的经验吗地下室地面渗水,怎么办?买房中遇到白蚁问题,请大家帮忙看下。划得来refinance吗?roof 寿命 和 以前有过 termite 处理的问题condo insurance 和 homeowner insurance?游泳池清空换水求教:草坪sprinkler维修状况差的房子,会不会银行不给贷款?刚搬进新居,遇到个麻烦,不知道该谁来负责?闻到很大的霉味就是mold吗?骑驴找马需要注意些什么?