2 楼
secretary of state
but I heard someone mentioned that if you do that, then they know your earn
some money out of the US, which you need to pay for tax. just heard about it
, not sure detail.
but I heard someone mentioned that if you do that, then they know your earn
some money out of the US, which you need to pay for tax. just heard about it
, not sure detail.
rate 不变能做吗?请问买gas rang, dish washer有什么建议?包子答谢现在的房事太火爆了为什么有些人的房产税还是10年前的数字?紧急求助!车库门关不上了!靠, 老虎亏大了。。。。closing 的时候 buyer's agent 可以不在场吗?湾区门窗安装推荐房间加面带窗户的墙,大约多少钱?有包子请教:rent back还是推迟closing date?Sears $100 free points on purchase of $599pre-qualification 竟然两个hard pullagent可以同时挂靠几个不同的broker公司吗?房子空置超过60天,可能会有的问题需要withdraw offer吗?update Chase hard pull以后信用积分,746,735,711请推荐好用的nailer紧急求助,builder要装地板了,问我们横着铺还是竖着铺?今晚要答复.穷死了。。。周二close,还能换lender title insurance和escrow company么