Re: 我觉得有些明星简直就是世界的毒瘤 (转载)
Re: 我觉得有些明星简直就是世界的毒瘤 (转载)# Parenting - 为人父母
【 以下文字转载自 QueerNews 讨论区 】
发信人: wps9988 (zhzhu), 信区: QueerNews
标 题: Re: 我觉得有些明星简直就是世界的毒瘤
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Apr 17 22:17:47 2011, 美东)
The problem now is that world population (~7 billion) is beyond to be
supported by natural resources on Earth. Population is directly proportional
to the human's demands to satisfy our greedy needs. Just wondering how the
mother nature is going to counter-balance on what's been done by human.
Maybe a real "doom day" is not far away to "kill" billions with polluted
water, air, and foods, wars for resources, and extreme weathers due to
global warming.
I would say we can make contributions with less or no babies. This is in
fact the most important factor, yet the least mentioned, to save natural
resources. I have to say that China is making a big contribution on this
with the birth control policy. If there were only 3 billion population now,
we could have been living better with much less environmental footprint.
Other things we can do are to eat less food especially meat, turn off lights
or electric devices when not needed, and low down our needs to possess
various kinds of excess materials. Be a more responsible earth citizen!
Leave more resources for our next generation and our offspring.