From website that teach kids to convice their parents for piercing. Tell them why you want it. Just saying "I want a piercing" isn't going to get you very far. Explain to your parents why you want a piercing. Point out the fact that you are young now, and need the opportunity to try new things and find out who you really are. Tell them you love the look of them, its very fashionable, you want to try it out before you have to consider dress code for a career, or tell them it's your way of expressing yourself and showing who you really are. Use phrases that are hard for your parents to argue about. For example: "I want to be myself, I don't care what people think of me." "I'm growing up, and feel like I need to express myself." "This will make me feel like I'm really getting rewarded for the good things I do." "I will never wear it when I'm in the house." - this last one is fine if you aren't required to have them in all the time.
3 楼
Yes only if he is older than 18 and financially independent
太多的piercing是极端,但是不一定为了叛逆,这也是自由表达一种形式。我结婚早, 如果不是老公不喜欢,脸上和身上早就不下5个的piercing了,觉得好看,尤其鼻翼耳 廓上的,现在还记惦着。但是我不喝酒抽烟吸毒,绝对的热爱生命 peace loving 努力 好学。我爸妈也比较民主,没有强迫过我做什么。 我查了比2005年更新的数据,的确body piercing & tattoo和不良行为有正相关系,但 是我还没找到直接关于亚洲孩子和college youth的数据。 LZ开文说的是大学里的亚裔男生,也许是个阳光的男孩。如果要说吸毒抽烟流氓等不良 行为,有更好的indicator,比如精神萎靡,目光呆滞,肤色不健康,反应迟钝或过激。 家教不好有更多的表现形式,比如随地丢垃圾,高傲自大,言语粗鲁,观察他们手投足 1分钟就能看出来。 我只想说,有那么多可以判定他人行为是否检点,是否可以交朋友的方式,为什么因为 一些 preconceived common sense 来否定一个不了解的人?我支持LZ下次看到这个男 孩,主动微笑握手,跟他聊天。也许他会有让你意想不到的收获。We live for the moments of enlightenment, don't we? p.s. 当然危险的时候还是要有 common sense 在街上随便一个满脸打钉的人,我肯定 不会去搭讪,人家也不见得搭理我。校园里打钉的年轻人,我觉得不会有危险。Common sense 是一堵墙,很大程度上保护了我们,但是在一些方面上也阻碍了我们的视线。 Most of us react (条件反射的那种) on disgust and fear based on what our families, communities and societies teach us. 我觉得能正视这些厌恶和恐惧也是 一种成长。