【zz】 又一个孩子忘车里的悲剧。。。
【zz】 又一个孩子忘车里的悲剧。。。# Parenting - 为人父母
【zz】 又一个孩子忘车里的悲剧。。。
早上忘了要送孩子去daycare, 直接开到公司锁车走人, 下午4点多才发现。。。。
TV: Father charged in child's hot car death
06:31 PM CDT on Monday, August 17, 2009 and JIM BERGAMO / KVUE News
The father of an 18-month-old who died after he was left in a hot car
outside Freescale Semiconductors in Northwest Austin last week has been
charged with endangering a child.
According to court papers obtained from Williamson County investigators,
Kesen Hu, 34, was supposed to drop his 18-month-old son, Daniel, at daycare
before going to work at Pay Pal.
But investigators say Hu "just totally forgot" to drop the child off, and
instead left him inside the car. Hu told investigators he parked and locked
his car at 9:20 a.m. on Wednesday. The child was found at 4:20 p.m. that
afternoon with the windows rolled up and the temperature outside at well
over 100 degrees.
The Travis County Medical Examiner's Office ruled the boy's cause of death
as hyperthermia.
Austin police investigated the crime, but because the parking lot is a part
of Austin that is in Williamson County, it is the Williamson County district
attorney who made the decision to file charges.
"It is so incredibly tragic," said Lisa Miller, neighbor.
Miller says she is still coming to terms with the fact that Hu, known as
Alex to his neighbors and friends, has been arrested on charges of
endangering a child.
"Our daughter Hanna played with him and he is absolutely was just such an
incredible delight and both of his parents Alex and Jane, loved him
completely and was the light of their lives and I know that they are
devastated as is the neighborhood," Miller said.
Many who talked to KVUE News say as tragic as the story is, charges needed
to be filed against the father.
"I think its fair that he is charged -- it's common sense you do not leave a
baby in the car, especially in 100 degree weather," said Dillson Russell.
"How do you forget a child, you know what I mean? He is the father. He
should have known," said Alicia Ehlers.
"I definitely agree with the charges. It was incredibly neglectful and I
think its pretty awful," said Stephanie Riggs.
Others showed sympathy.
Kesen Hu
"I just think that that individual, he did suffer enough. I think he will
probably need therapy, more or less, than being incarcerated, because that
is so detrimental, to take a loss like that," said Kevin Sharp
"If it was neglectful that is one thing, but I understand how accidents can
happen, and I do not believe for a second that he would ever do anything to
hurt that child. He loved him with all of his heart," Miller said.
The Department of Family and Protective Services says the Hu's have no
history of abuse; however; the department is investigating this case. The
couple has no other children.
Williamson County District Attorney John Bradley says because the case is
pending he cannot comment.
Hu remains in the Williamson County jail on a $20,000 bond.
8 Children Die in August After Being Left in Hot Cars


【在 i***4 的大作中提到】
: 【zz】 又一个孩子忘车里的悲剧。。。
: 早上忘了要送孩子去daycare, 直接开到公司锁车走人, 下午4点多才发现。。。。
: TV: Father charged in child's hot car death
: 06:31 PM CDT on Monday, August 17, 2009
: The father of an 18-month-old who died after he was left in a hot car
: outside Freescale Semiconductors in Northwest Austin last week has been
: charged with endangering a child.
: According to court papers obtained from Williamson County investigators,
: Kesen Hu, 34, was supposed to drop his 18-month-old son, Daniel, at daycare
