转:学习C++应该看的书(孙耀文)# Programming - 葵花宝典
1 楼
[Lippman2000] Essential C++
Essential C++,by Stanley B. Lippman Addison Wesley Longman
2000,276 pages Essential C++ 中文版 ,侯俊杰 译,282页
[Gregory95] C++:The Core Language C++:The Core Language by
Gregory Satir 1995 O'Reilly C++语言核心,张铭泽 译 ,236页
[Deitel98] The Complete C++ Training Course
The Complete C++ Training Course 2/e by Harvey M.Deitel
1998 Prentice
[Lippman2000] Essential C++
Essential C++,by Stanley B. Lippman Addison Wesley Longman
2000,276 pages Essential C++ 中文版 ,侯俊杰 译,282页
[Gregory95] C++:The Core Language C++:The Core Language by
Gregory Satir 1995 O'Reilly C++语言核心,张铭泽 译 ,236页
[Deitel98] The Complete C++ Training Course
The Complete C++ Training Course 2/e by Harvey M.Deitel
1998 Prentice