【在 l*******m 的大作中提到】 : googl is the original goog. goog is only 24 days old
16 楼
先别着急!我们是7月28日收到的通知要求补交材料,4月20收据的,汗!8月1日那边收 到我们的补充材料(按照我猜的list补充的,见2)部分),8月5日我们又按照收到的 要求补充财产证明的正式邮件重新寄送了材料,请见1)部分),收到材料后官方说法 是2-3周给消息,我们还在等!期间跑去了本地移民局请officer帮忙加急,给出24号肯 定能有信的保证 1)财产问题 我们是财产证明认为不够、没交什么亲子关系证明啊,父母的资助statement啊,此外 i20上要3万多,即使你提交的bankstatement是7万多,也有可能那帮人不会算,硬是以 为你只提供3万多,他们按照3/9*12=4w+认为你钱数不够,你的学校financial affidavit上可能也某个地方写了你提供3w+,他们就这么nc的! 为了补交材料,我们重新提供了(即使已经交了,最好重新提供一边): 父母银行存款证明中英对照, 亲子关系证明 父母愿意提供资助的statement,kwd:direct accessible to the money and can immediately provide to you with the full amount! 你自己的statement: 关键词同上 一张存款rmb和美元的换算说明,以及这几张纸上钱加起来是多少rmb多少美元。 反正就是反复说,来会说,说你钱够!!!!! 2)我自己收集的据说比较全面的材料list,第一回还没收到notice我就把这些都弄了 一遍: 首先见帖子: http://cache.baidu.com/c?m=9d78d513d9851af819fa940f4b4bc066681fdd247cc0d0642589cc1f84642a101a21bffd67690704a296203116af380ffdf0473260427be1cc94d91dc9fcd27620d26172320b87320fce5cea8e5125b675d60da9b81990e6a7748eb9d3a78c0515910e596d8086cf0157518c35b04362b5b1993e530446aded4666ff527d2f9e&p=9370e716d9c401f508e29f785b07&user=baidu&fm=sc&query=ties+to+your+home+country+and+a+residence&qid=d1a6d43900aae261&p1=1 其次还有: 1. Please submit a copy of all previously issued Forms I-20, front and back, that have been issued to your F-1 spouse. 2. Submit a photocopy of your f1 spouse’s previous Employment Authorization Card(form i-688b), if any. 3. submit a letter form the Designated School Official at the school last attended by your spouse, which indicates the dates of his attendance and enrollment as a full-time f1 nonimmigrant student. 4. submit an original transcript for all of the courses that your spouse has taken during his past/present program of study as an f1 nonimmigrant student, The school registrar must issue the transcript. 5. Provide a detailed description of your activities since you last entered the United States. In addition, submit verifiable documentary evident to support your statements regarding your activities in the United States. 6. please submit a description of the circumstances surrounding your decision to attend school in The United States. 7. submit additional evident to establish that you have a residence abroad to which you intent to return. 8. submit a detailed description of your past employment and educational status to date. 9. submit a statement in which you describe your intention concerning departure from the United States. 10. submit evidence, which establishes that you have secured a residence form the remainder of your authorized stay, and where you have resided during your authorized temporary stay in the United Staes. 11. Please submit evident to establish that you have the ability to financially maintain yourselt throughout the duration of your proposed stay and studies and too meet the expenses listed on you Certificat of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant(f1) student Stateus(i20A-B/I-20ID) 12. Submit a detailed\ statement from your sponsor(s) explaining their reason(s) for offering you their financial support. If the sponsor(s) is related to you, submit documentary evidence to establish the claimed relationship. 13. submit documentary evidence, such as copies of Income Tax Returns and band statements received over a course of 3-4 months, that your sponsor(s) is able to fulfill their offer. 14. submit documentary evidence, such as proof of past financial support extended to you, that your sponsor(s) is likely to fulfill their offer. 15. submit the last four(4) original bank statement from your checking, saving or other account ot establish that you have sufficient funds to financially support your extended stay and proposed studies( PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT BANK LETTERS, ONLY SUBMIT THE ORIGINAL BANK STTEMENT AHT ARE BEING REQUEATED) 16. if the money currently in your bank account is from foreign sources, submit the bank wire transfer(s) or the Customs Form(s0 4790 that were executed to document the transfer of these funds to your from abroad in order to fund your extended stay in the United States. 17. if the money presently in your bank account is not from foreign sources, submit a statement as well as documentary evidence that would show how you acquired the funds while in the United jStates. 18. submit a letter form your current school’s business office confirming that all of your tuition obligations have been paid in full 19. submit evidence that you have paid the school tuition in full in the form of a canceled check, money order or receipt form the school. 20. submit an original transcript for all the courses that you have taken during your present program of study. The school registrar must issue the transcript. 21. submit an original course description and daily schedule for each of the courses, which you are currently taking. 22. if you submit document which includes foreign currency denominations, you must submit an indication of the converted amounts into Untied States dollars. Submit evidence of the source for the currency conversion exchanges rates. They must be current exchanges or contemporaneous with the documentation, whichever’s is more applicable for the purpose of establishing eligibility for the benefit sought. 23. if you submit a document in any language other than English, it must be completely translated. The translator must certify that the translation is accurate and that he or she is competent to translate. Note: you must submit the requested foreigh language document along with the tranaltion. 最后,户籍证明我们有身份证,不少公证件我们自己翻译的都请学校legal service的 公证处免费给公证了一下,非常方便,建议去一下,----Notaries Public office 我当时非常紧张害怕,哭了好几晚上,现在还天天做梦跟那帮官打交道,建议你去下附 近的移民局,板上之前有个帖子说去移民局可以稍微多听到些进程什么的,此外也比你 自己加急管用那么一点儿吧?!我猜。