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发信人: WSKing (猥琐之王), 信区: Physics
标 题: PNAS投稿一问
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under eidtorial board review 一般多长时间? 本人的一个稿子已经一个礼拜了 有
Peer review 又是多长时间?
Pisces Horoscope for July 2011
By Susan Miller
This certainly is a big time of the year for you, with a lot of news coming
in from all quarters. Last month, your area of home and family was lighting
up, and so you may have been busy moving, doing a renovation, reorganizing
your space, or ordering a thorough cleaning of windows and upholstery.
Alternatively, you might have spent quite a bit of time being with your
mother or father, perhaps because one of your parents was not feeling well
or needed your help for other reasons. The new moon solar eclipse of June 1
brilliantly emphasized this area and caused it to be a hub of activity.
There will be more news in this area in July, too.
At the same time that your home life was so busy, there were likely some
very exciting and unexpected developments in your career too, as a result of
last month's total eclipse of the moon, June 15. Eclipses always shake
things up and provide us with surprises to keep us motivated and alert. Even
if you feel the news was not to your liking (not saying it was, but if you
found this to be true), you can still turn the tables to your favor because
for you, change was to bring you only higher in your industry as long as you
were willing to prove your talents well.
Having two eclipses is quite enough to keep you hopping, but now, here comes
a third, July 1. This last one will emphasize your love life, and I will
address this one a little later in your report. First, however, we need to
discuss the past two eclipses of June 1 and June 15, which will still be
delivering news to you in July.
As you begin July, Mars will have recently entered Gemini late last month
and will continue to tour your fourth house of home until August 2. This is
great news, for Mars, acting like a booster rocket to all your initiatives,
will bring options, vibrancy, and most importantly, results, to your home-
related efforts.
If you hope to buy, sell, or rent a home, this month may bring exceptional
news. June and July 2011 were to be your best months to make a radical
change, although you will have another chance to make changes at the year-
end eclipse of December 10. It's hard to move house at holiday time, however
, so if you need a new space, make time to view your options now. Mars will
help you get little projects done, too, whether you hope to clean out
closets (or the garage), do repairs, get the rugs and windows washed and
several rooms painted, or add small but effective decorating touches.
July 6 could easily turn out to be a potentially important date for news
about your home, or in regard to a family member, and if so, this would most
likely be your mother or father. This is the day that Mars will move over
the same degree of the June 1 eclipse, and hopefully, the dramatic news you
receive will be welcome news.
Meanwhile on July 26, the unusual or unexpected career development that came
up last month will have additional news and developments, for that's the
day when Mars will reach 24 degrees Gemini and oppose the precise degree of
the June 15 eclipse.
To be clear, often energy pings back and forth from the tenth house of
career success to the fourth house of home, and vice versa, for these houses
lie exactly opposite on the wheel. (Your tenth house of fame is up by the #
12 on the face of a clock, and home is where the #6 is found on a clock -
thought you would like to visualize this.)
This means that July 6 should bring news about home and family, but instead
could bring career news to you, and similarly, while July 26 should be a big
day for your career, might instead emphasize your home and family matters.
Give a plus or minus of one day to both days.
Now, in terms of your career, July 7 is due to be a spectacular day, so
special I took time to write about it in my "Year Ahead 2011" book that you
may have with you digitally or as a real paperback book. On this day Jupiter
, the giver of gifts and luck, will send a beam to Pluto, planet of power
and financial gain. Whenever these two planets are together in a positive
link up, as they will be on July 7, it spells success.
Pluto is now in your eleventh house, ruling community, social networks,
charities, humanitarian efforts, clubs, and also your friends. Somehow these
areas listed will be linked to the breakthrough you may experience on this
day. Meanwhile Jupiter is now based in your third house of writing and
communication, and because Jupiter is the natural ruler of your solar tenth
house of fame, it appears written work you do, or public appearances you
give, or publicity you get, are each in their own way linked to your rise in
career status. This will be true not only now, but straight through June
2012, a year from now.
You need not be a writer to enjoy the massive success of this rare day on
July 7. July 5 and 6, days leading up to this day, are both sure to be
special, too. You may have a website or a blog, or you may compose songs,
edit films, or in other ways "write" in a creative, emotionally moving way
that only a Pisces can do.
Now let's turn to the headline news, the solar eclipse of July 1, due to
appear as a very powerful new moon. This eclipse will highlight your love
life, for it will light your fifth house, the area of the chart that is so
important to Pisces. It rules love, romance, as well as pregnancy, birth,
care for children that you may have now, as well as your creativity and the
projects you are working on now.
If you are single, you are likely to meet someone new now, for new moon
eclipses are known to open new paths. If you are dating seriously or newly
living together, you may see a dramatic development, and you may talk about
a future marriage or a baby. If you are not compatible, however, the eclipse
will make this very obvious, and you may even have a serious break up. The
universe cannot tolerate stagnation, for it wants to see you use your time
on Earth productively. That is why you often see such high contrast possible
outcomes at eclipse time, such as, you may get engaged in a most romantic
setting, or else have a roaring and knock 'em out fight where you throw
dishes, slam doors, and tell him (or her) never to call you again! If you do
break up during an eclipse period, chances are slim that you'd get back
together, so be careful about what you say in anger if you still care for
each other. Pretend your partner is carrying a vile of nitroglycerin - and
don't slam that door!
Eclipses bring truth, and they add a few unexpected elements to the mix to
shake us up and help us see the world, and our place in it, with new eyes.
They do their job very well, because they never fail to get us moving.
This eclipse is a powerful one, for it sets up a cardinal cross pattern in
the heavens that tends to push energy forward in an urgent, insistent kind
of way. In order to get a cardinal cross you need at least one planet or the
Sun in one of EACH of the cardinal signs of Aries (fire), Cancer (water),
Libra (air), and Capricorn (earth). Remarkably, we will have Uranus, the Sun
, Saturn, and Pluto in those signs, respectively.
Yet there is another qualification - all these planets have to be in almost
the same degree within each of their signs so that we have oppositions and
squares (90 degrees apart) - it looks like a genuine cross in the sky. It is
nearly impossible to get such divergent planets into a cardinal cross, but
we have that now. Cardinal energy is very different from mutable energy (as
a Pisces, you are a mutable). Mutable signs like to talk and debate their
way through a crisis, but cardinal energy is super assertive and action
Pisces who were born on February 28 plus or minus five days will find ways
to benefit from this July 1 eclipse, even though the news is initially
difficult when news is delivered, a comforting thought.
With Saturn and Uranus drawn into the message of this eclipse, you may have
problems with money or with a credit card company or with a banking
transaction or loss of paperwork. Although the most obvious manifestation
might be that you'll be concerned about a temporary shortfall of cash,
perhaps due to costs you are covering to help a child or pay for medical
care in a pregnancy, there could be other ways Saturn and Uranus could be
exerting pressure. Your bank may make a massive and unexpected error that
causes havoc in your life. (Gosh, I hope not.)
The hallmark of an eclipse is that news from the very personal come in (
sometimes from left field) to affect our lives. This will often happen at no
fault of your own at the time of an eclipse, so you will have to stay
vigilant. Take steps to make sure you are not a victim of identify fraud, or
at the mercy of someone's errors. If you are about to send in an
application for funding, follow up to ascertain that your application was
received. You may want to send it by traceable express mail or other courier.
Pluto's position suggests you may find a friend a bit overbearing in early
July, perhaps because she or he will bring unsolicited advice that will get
on your nerves. If you are working on a committee for a charity, you may
find the committee chairman to be too bossy. When so many planets are
squabbling in the heavens, you have to expect these things to come up.
This eclipse will again deliver news on August 16-17, plus or minus one day,
so see what comes up.
I will advise you to be careful with what you say over this new moon, July 1
, for if you have a breakup with a romantic partner or a friend, it may take
months to patch together, if you find you can mend it at all. People you
encounter during eclipse time will be quite sensitive and will perhaps
overreact to what you say. This probably describes your emotions too, so
tread carefully. If you do want to mend things, it would take a very long
time - the matter would not be quickly solved, so think before you act.
Later, the full moon, July 15, could bring a fun social event that actually
falls over the weekend of July 16-17. This will be a truly sweet time of the
month, and it will give you a chance to unwind.
If your birthday falls on March 12, plus or minus four days from this date,
you will feel the benefits of this highly social new moon.
You may want to revisit the article I wrote for you, dear Pisces, last month
, as we always keep my articles posted on Astrology Zone of the previous
month. Last month I went into quite a bit of detail on the June 1 and June
15 eclipse, and touched on the July 1 eclipse, too. You can find the link to
last month's forecast by scrolling down to below the Summary and Dates to
Note, but above the PS of my announcements that I post every month. Eclipses
affect us for up to six months (sometimes even more), so it's worth
remembering as much as you can about each eclipse.
The month will end on an exciting note, and your work will take center stage
. The new moon in Leo, 7 degrees, will be one of the most friendly and
helpful of the year. It really stands out, for it links the energy of
Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, to Pluto, financial benefits - this time
from a friend - and Mercury, planet of communication, now in your
partnership sector.
A golden triangle will appear a the time of the appearance of this new moon,
and it suggests you will get a new client or freelance assignment that you
will love, and later, as you complete it, your work will set you apart from
your competitors as a star in your field to watch. The project you do will
have "legs" to take you to new and more exciting projects.
One little complication is that Mercury will promptly go retrograde right
after this new moon appears, from August 2 to 26. If you will be doing a job
with a company you had worked with previously and are continuing your
relationship, you will not have problems with Mercury retrograde. Similarly,
if you will be doing a job now that you had planned to do weeks or months
earlier in the year, but the job got postponed and is reactivated now, again
, Mercury will not harm your efforts.
Mercury actually encourages going back to the past to make more of a
previous relationship. If the client is new, make sure you have all the
facts you need to proceed, and reiterate the job in a detailed email
summarizing your understanding of what's to be done. Clear communication
does take effort, but because I see that your future will hinge on how well
you do this job, I will urge you to go the extra mile to be sure your client
agrees with your approach to this project.
Make sure all electronic equipment you might need as part of your job has
been tested and is in good working order. Make sure that any production
staff you hire to work on this particular job has the ability to be detailed
and to stay alert. (You don't need a nine-to-five type who keeps checking
her watch and isn't paying attention but going through the motions.) You won
't want to be without proper power cords or other small items that could
bring down your presentation or project. Put your name and address on
literally everything, including your computer, iPad, and smart phone, and
slip your business card in your eyeglass case lest you misplace or lose a
vital item.
Your assignment seems to have entertainment value, because Leo is involved,
and also could be very visually beautiful to look at, with rich color and
excellent design. This looks like something you'll enjoy doing, dear Pisces,
so dig in and give it your all! As said, the better job you do on this, the
bigger your career is eventually going to be, something you'll see evidence
of later in the year, as a result of the next eclipse, November 26!
Be sure to read your Summary and Dates to Note that I have prepared for you,
and you will find it as you scroll down below. Lots of big things are
brewing for you, dear Pisces!
A footnote: I always recommend that you check your natal chart, but it
occurred to me that you may have never had your natal chart drawn up. I will
stop for a moment to tell you how you can get your chart done affordably if
you don't already have it. You can order a 65-page custom book I will write
for you. To order, just go to my other website, http://www.MyPersonalHoroscope.com
You will want the "purple-yellow" cover book for the adult natal chart. (We
have one for babies too, and that is the pink cover). You will need your
precise time of birth - if you don't know your time of birth and can't find
it out, then I will use sunrise as the default. It takes an about two weeks
to get your finished book by mail.
Your natal chart will never change, so you need only do this once. In your
custom made bound book that I write, you will discover all your planets,
their degrees, as well as the identity of your rising sign - it will be
clearly marked for you to see. Once you know it, remember to ALWAYS read for
your rising sign (also known as the ascendant) as well as your Sun sign.
The Sun and rising signs are equal in importance and should be treated the
same way.
Note: If you choose the sunrise default, you cannot discover your rising
sign, but you CAN find out all the placements of your planets, Sun and a
suggestion of your moon sign. Many readers have ordered this book and love
it, for it is written in my usual clear, warm and easy to understand style.
I feel once you have your chart, you will get so much more out of your
monthly readings on Astrology Zone!
Please check my article on Uranus in Aries
And also How to Deal with Eclipses
Many of you overlooked those free articles I wrote for you last month!
With massive changes happening in your career and in regard to your home
life, in June, you probably think you couldn't possibly handle any more news
, but here comes one more eclipse, on July 1. Each eclipse has been spaced
two weeks apart: June 1, June 15, and July 1, so life has not been boring by
any means. Now, step right up, for here comes the solar eclipse in Cancer.
Your love life will be in the news with this eclipse, and you are about to
see the person you've been dating in the truth of daylight. This may delight
you or horrify you - much will depend on how honest this person has been
with you and how well you have come to know your partner. If your partner
has been truthful and loving, this eclipse will draw you closer in a very
tender, lyrical, and emotional way. If you are attached, a pregnancy,
custody, or special care for a child you have now could bring big news. If
you are not dating, this eclipse will have the power to change that status,
and you may suddenly meet someone that you will want to know much better.
Generally eclipses in Cancer are easy for you, as Cancer is a sign that
blends beautifully with your Pisces Sun. This would normally be true now,
but the major planets stirring the pot, Pluto, Saturn, Uranus, and the Sun,
will be having a shootout at the old corral, so this eclipse may come with a
degree of tension. The fact that this eclipse is in a compatible sign means
that you will likely find that the outcome is quite satisfactory, so keep
the faith, and put one foot in front of the other with courage.
The hot spots in your chart involve money, both shared and personal, and so
it seems you may have a disagreement about finances with your partner, or
that a bank will make a massive mistake that drives you insane until they
fix it. On top of this, a friend appears to be aggressive about voicing his
or her opinion or may almost force you into a position you find
uncomfortable and unacceptable. You might even want to "de-friend" this
person from your Facebook page - you may be that upset with him or her.
Eclipses have a way of "eclipsing out" a person from our environment, so
that's why I suggest you carefully think about any words you say as a result
of the July 1 eclipse (operative almost all month), and because Mars is
heading to Cancer too, from August 3 to September 18, your relationships,
both platonic and romantic, will be important areas for you in weeks to come
(especially within that period on August 16-17).
The full moon July 15 will bring a conclusion to whatever is going on with
your friend, and you will come to a settled place, even if you aren't
entirely happy with how that person behaved or what you had to promise this
person. This full moon is not an eclipse, so things will be less dramatic
and may actually work in your favor.
Concurrently, you may have an important social event over the ensuing
weekend - one you really enjoy, as it will have a lovely touch of luxury.
At month's end, you will come to one of the year's most favorable new moons,
due July 30. It will light your house of work projects, so chances are, you
will get a new assignment or a new client soon after the new moon arrives
that sends your spirits soaring. Keep in mind that Mercury retrograde will
bring delays starting August 2. If a boss, co-worker, or associate comes
back in your life to offer you an assignment, you can accept it, as it may
be lucky for you. Make sure you work very hard at attaining clear
communication, and keep summarizing all you perceive the job to be, and how
you will approach it, for client approval.
If you feel you could use more exercise, the new moon in Leo will be just
what you need to get you going. I had not mentioned this up above in the
main body of your report, but health and fitness will also be boosted by
this new moon. Plan an active vacation or if you're not going away, treat
yourself to a gym membership at a la-de-da establishment or ten lessons with
a tough trainer who will get you back in tiptop shape.
Pisces Dates to Note
Most romantic evenings: July 1 (wild card, but even good days could be tense
), July 7, 9-10, 18-19, 27, and 28.
The new moon July 1 could bring changes in your closest romantic
relationship or a friendship, or you may discover a new love. Discussions
may come up about a pregnancy or a child you have now.
A friend, neighbor, sibling, or cousin will be of outstanding help to you
when Jupiter and Pluto combine energies on July 7. Astoundingly, even your
bank balance might improve.
The full moon Friday, July 15, could bring a lovely social event over the
ensuing weekend.
Home will be a major focus all month, thanks to Mars' tour of your home
sector. You can be ultra-productive at this time.
July 7 should be a simply wonderful day for your career, and a friend may be
instrumental in helping you get the job. Thanks to interplay between
Jupiter and Pluto, you've got a four-star day to use for a key meeting.
Your health can improve after the sensational new moon in Leo, July 30 plus
two weeks. Plan an initiation - join a gym, get training lessons, or take up
a new sport. Also go for checkups.
New assignments will come to you as a result of the new moon July 30, too.
You may bring in new business if you are self-employed. For this trend to
take hold, watch the two weeks that follow this new moon July 30.
Venus in Cancer will be lovely for your romantic life, July 4 to July 28.
Buy new clothes and improve your appearance.
Usually within 7 days
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