一、Consumer Lifestyle - Integral Project Leader
Job:Project Management;Primary Location:China-Shanghai
Schedule:Full-time; Job Number 015415
As Integral Project Leader you are responsible for the realization of projects from understanding the consumer and ideation, through primary function development, to product realization, market launch and initial post-market surveillance:
• You will set-up and lead one or more multi disciplinary project team(s), with internal and external project members and business partners/sub-contractors. Your scope is international so some travelling is part of this job.
• You’ll define and achieve competitive edge project goals within constraints of budget, time, quality and strategic boundary conditions.
• You’ll manage the involved risks, and take corrective actions if the project runs out of your plan. You inform the stakeholders when needed.
• Together with your team, you will set up a review structure that provides optimal insight into the current status of the project.
These jobs offer growth potential and opportunities for further career development within our Organization
• You have a university degree in a relevant technical subject, preferably Physics, Mechanical Engineering or Bio-mechanical engineering.
• You have a proven track record and preferably experience in leading international, multi-disciplinary, product development projects in a R&D environment.
• Broad experience in predevelopment and product development of consumer products is required, whereas experience in mass production is an advantage.
• It is an advantage if you have experience in Personal care products and enabling technologies such as skin physiology, IR, ultra-sound, heating & cooling, fluid management (dosing, pumping), Liquid Silicon Rubbers, or in mechatronics and bio-mechanics.
Expected Areas of Competencies
• Experience in understanding and translating consumer needs.
• Experience in leading in a multi-site multi-partner development environment.
• Experience in analyzing the stakeholder environment and needs to achieve common objectives, considering contradicting interests and making the best decisions for the project as well as the business. You have negotiation skills.
• Experience in balancing risks and opportunities of innovative solutions.
• Preferably you are familiar with Design for Six Sigma, Lean development, FMEA,…
• Creative, analytically strong and also hands-on.
• A strong leader and a team player. You are an excellent communicator and motivator, skilled in managing interpersonal processes.
• Able to continuously challenge the status quo, with a strong desire to improve organizational effectiveness structurally.
• Always looking for perfection. You don’t accept underperformance or poor results. You have a quality mindset.
二、Consumer Lifestyle- Product Researcher
Job:Research and Development;Primary Location:China-Shanghai
Schedule:Full-time;Job Number 015050
Experience level: min. 3 years
Your responsibilities
As a product researcher, you focus on what the consumers want and translate this voice of consumer into technical specifications to deliver on simplicity and good usage experience of our products. You gather continuous consumer feedback from proposition development to product delivery to ensure consumers are delighted with the products.
You work in cross functional teams with development engineers, product designers, quality assurance and product managers. To ensure Philips brand promise is delivered, you conduct competitor benchmarking, expert reviews of our products as well as carry out tests with consumers to evaluate usage experience of the products. You will also further develop and optimize test protocols and technical specifications. Your contribution is directly visible in the final product and is key in guiding future development directions of our products.
Job scope
• Drive the development of Ideal Product Models and focus on benefits and delight factors
• Translate voice of consumers into measureable parameters and ensure our products deliver on them
• Develop and optimize test protocols for evaluating prototypes and products
• Represent the consumer in cross-functional project teams and proactively push for delivery of technical specifications that delight consumers
• Conduct competitor benchmarking and product evaluation in the areas of overall product experience, performance, usability and user interface
• Interact and conduct tests with consumers
• Support product proposition and communication to ensure sense and simplicity in our products
• Promote consumer centricity within project teams and the organization
Your profile
You have a Bachelors or Master’s degree in one of the following fields: electrical, mechanical, any other related technical background. You preferably have several years of product development experience in R&D for consumer products.
Personal characteristics
We are looking for a person with:
• An open personality: you are a team player with good communication and influencing skills
• A consumer orientation and an eye for detail
• A proactive attitude: you take initiative to keep up to date with technology and consumer needs; and actively influence the project team to consider the end user in product development
三、Consumer Lifestyle-Function Developer
Job:Research and Development;Primary Location:China-Shanghai
Schedule:Full-time; Job Number 015726
You will be responsible for the pre-development and realization of innovative products and/or new functions in projects:
•You develop new and optimize existing product concepts within cross-functional teams.
•You scout technologies and assess the feasibility of applications. You give input in the creation of roadmaps for future product platforms.
•You actively seek external knowledge and build and maintain technical relationships with external parties
•You'll lead and participate as key competence resource in cross functional teams.
•This job offers growth potential and opportunities for further career development within our Organization
•Experience in understanding and translating consumer needs in measurable functions
•Preferably experience in cooperation in a multi-site multi-partner development environment
•Ability to analyze the stakeholder environment and needs to achieve common objectives, considering contradicting interests and making the best decisions for the project as well as the business.
•Negotiation skills.
•Ability to balance risks and opportunities of innovative solutions.
•Preferably you are familiar with Design for Six Sigma, Lean development, FMEA, and other design tools
•An abstract, analytical and creative thinker.
•Open minded towards other disciplines and companies in the field of product development.
•An excellent communicator and motivator, skilled in managing interpersonal processes.
•Able to continuously challenge the status quo, with a strong desire to improve organizational effectiveness structurally.
•Act as a team player, leveraging other peoples competences
•Always looking for improvement opportunities and share your learning’s pro-actively. You don’t accept underperformance or poor results. You have a quality mindset.
四、Consumer Lifestyle-Quality Account Lead / Quality Project Lead for Water and Air
Job:Quality;Primary Location:China-Shanghai;
Schedule:Full-time;Job Number 015741
•Provide leadership and steer all Category quality related activities.
•Lead and enable the Quality team direct and the other functions indirect, e.g. Purchasing, I&D, Supply.
•Continuously set ambitious targets for Category based upon benchmarking.
•Realize CoNQ, NPS and EES targets.
•Drive integral Quality Mindset by ensuring proper definition and execution of all quality related aspects in the Category related functions.
•Communicate regularly on the quality status within the Category, monitor the relevant KPI’s throughout the year, capture learning’s from earlier projects and initiate improvements in the new / current project.
•Mature the Quality team in the Category by improving competencies, capabilities and mindset.
•Drive hard gating in close relationship with other functions e.g. I&D, Marketing, Supply, etc.

五、Consumer Lifestyle-Senior product develop engineer
Job:Research and Development;Primary Location:China-Shanghai
Schedule:Full-time;Job Number 015738
You will be responsible for the product definition (especially the mechanical and documentation aspects) in the development, realization and aftercare of innovative products in the abovementioned areas:
• You work with cross-function team to support function development via defining and realizing models and test set-ups.
• You lead or develop new and optimize existing product concepts within cross-functional teams. Or you lead and control outsourcing of these activities.
• You lead or do, the detail design of Key Components, and you support their realization.
• You participate and lead as key competence resource in multi-partner cross-functional and cross-cultural teams.
• You manage the Product Documentation (the BOM and the Design History File).
• You do the root-cause analysis of production problems and consumer complaints.
• Your scope is international so some travelling, sometimes for several weeks, is part of this job.
These jobs offer growth potential and opportunities for further career development within our Organization
Candidate must possess a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering with 8 years experience or a Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering with 6 years experience.
•Preferably you have experience in development and realization of new consumer products in a R&D environment.
•You have experience in one or more relevant fields of competency for consumer products, such as heating & cooling, fluid mechanics, materials engineering, or in mechatronics and bio-mechanics.
Expected Areas of Competencies
•Ability to communicate (written and Verbal) in English
•Preferably you are familiar with Design for Six Sigma, Lean development, FMEA,…
•Technical education in relevant discipline
•Some knowledge of other disciplines with which co-operation takes place
•Solid knowledge of design methods and processes
•Knowledge of relevant technology and product features
•Disciplined team worker
•Analytical, creative and abstract thinker
•Accurate and quality minded
•Cost and quality conscious
•Solid Pro/E or other CAD skill.
If you are interested in this position, please send your resume to e****[email protected], and specify where you see this position advertised.
【 以下文字转载自 Love 讨论区 】
发信人: xiaopangniu (明式家具), 信区: Love
标 题: Re: 女人,是复杂的
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jul 31 17:31:21 2008), 转信
我是个活泼的人,但是因为经历,我的性格竟然也变了。有时候不知道是不是应该感谢经历。到了大学,本来长得就像乖乖的女孩的我,被大家带上了”听话“ ”文静“等等不符合我的帽子。其实,对于陌生人我确实是这样,但是经过三年的相处,他们都说我的相貌和内心严重不符。大学期间,和我恋爱的男孩算是我截止到现在遇到的最顺我心意的人。他很迁就我,很宠爱我。如果我们换一个角色的话,他对我简直就是溺爱。所以,我现在的性格完全是自己原生态的。而且,在他的一步步谦让和包容下。我变得易怒、无理取闹。我应该感谢,感谢能遇到如此包容我的人。但是,同样也是因为他,我变成了一个魔鬼一样的人。爱生气到爆。我不怪他,如果对一个人好也是错的话,那这个世界就太恐怖了。我怨我自己,没有让自己成为更好的人。

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