well, thought yesterday i might just google hp5
found another hp5 written by a fan, who says a hp6 is being written also.
lines go like this:
dudley befriended with harry;
harry's mom, lily, turned out to be voldemort's daughter,
heir of slytherin house. voldemort got her into hogwarts.
asked her to marry james, heir of gryfindor. planed to kill
james and harry so that he could have slytherin overtake
hogwarts and turn it into a dark wizardry school;
turned out li
a few more just thought of:
harry got cho
ron got hermione
a surprise: draco got ginny ...and draco got much more
powerful and i suspect he would become good.
at the end of the book, voldemort killed remus and hermione,
and stupfied sirius. harry used his order to save hermione
because ron told him he loved her. dumbledore's order saved
remus. how or whether lily would be brought back to life is
in book 6, now that harry's order is used.
snape got back to voldemort and spied for dumbledore ...no
objection!!! ask malfoy to keep off ginny!!!!!!

【在 a******n 的大作中提到】
: a few more just thought of:
: harry got cho
: ron got hermione
: a surprise: draco got ginny ...and draco got much more
: powerful and i suspect he would become good.
: at the end of the book, voldemort killed remus and hermione,
: and stupfied sirius. harry used his order to save hermione
: because ron told him he loved her. dumbledore's order saved
: remus. how or whether lily would be brought back to life is
: in book 6, now that harry's order is used.

Awful! I never thought to look through HP fanfiction becoz the original has
mapped out every detail and all mystery would be seamlessly revealed
afterwards. LotR is another case, so many things left unsaid. And I dipped
into fandom and some ficlets freaked me out. Urgh!

【在 a******n 的大作中提到】
: a few more just thought of:
: harry got cho
: ron got hermione
: a surprise: draco got ginny ...and draco got much more
: powerful and i suspect he would become good.
: at the end of the book, voldemort killed remus and hermione,
: and stupfied sirius. harry used his order to save hermione
: because ron told him he loved her. dumbledore's order saved
: remus. how or whether lily would be brought back to life is
: in book 6, now that harry's order is used.

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