Anna Karenina vs. Vronsky# Reader - 书香世家
1 楼
I almost finised the book 'anna karenina', with 10 pages left. Anna committed
suiside. I understand partly why she did that, can someone give a summary on
that. I am really confused.
Also, I 'd like to know what Vronsky can do to prevent this. Vronsky is a good
person, (doesn't lie, doesn't have affair, only drink a little, smoke cigars
and got cash), why he and Anna can't make it together?
more to come, hope someone can help on this first.
I almost finised the book 'anna karenina', with 10 pages left. Anna committed
suiside. I understand partly why she did that, can someone give a summary on
that. I am really confused.
Also, I 'd like to know what Vronsky can do to prevent this. Vronsky is a good
person, (doesn't lie, doesn't have affair, only drink a little, smoke cigars
and got cash), why he and Anna can't make it together?
more to come, hope someone can help on this first.