The Weekend (3)# Translation - 译林
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Xiaoci’s face turned red and white. She lowered her head to sip the soup.
Coco gave a “no comment” smile, took one chicken leg from the small dish and
began working on it elegantly with her fingers and teeth. Adam broke into
laughter, patted Chuqiao’s shoulder, “Man, you are hilarious!” Xiaoci also
took one chicken leg and said in Mandarin to Coco, “I told you. This guy is a
dog who can never spit out an elephant tusk.”
Adam held a pair of chopsticks and pointed clumsily to other fried chicken
Coco gave a “no comment” smile, took one chicken leg from the small dish and
began working on it elegantly with her fingers and teeth. Adam broke into
laughter, patted Chuqiao’s shoulder, “Man, you are hilarious!” Xiaoci also
took one chicken leg and said in Mandarin to Coco, “I told you. This guy is a
dog who can never spit out an elephant tusk.”
Adam held a pair of chopsticks and pointed clumsily to other fried chicken