The Qt Project is live!(zz)# Unix - 噫吁兮,危乎高哉
【 以下文字转载自 Linux 讨论区 】
发信人: cavendish (享受生活), 信区: Linux
标 题: The Qt Project is live!(zz)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Oct 21 16:30:31 2011, 美东)
The Qt Project is live!
Posted by Lars Knoll on October 21, 2011 · 30 comments
I’m happy to announce that the Qt Project officially went live today.
Starting today, development of Qt will be governed as a true open source
We now have qt-project.org – a website where all development of Qt will be
centered, providing the same infrastructure and processes for everybody that
wants to contribute to Qt.
Now that we are here, what next?
If you are interested in participating and becoming part of the Qt Project
community, the first place to look is at the projects website at qt-project.
org. This page gives a good overview on how to get started, and how you can
become part of the community and contribute to Qt.
If you have already been working with Qt, you most likely have an account in
Jira, our bugtracking tool. This account is required to get access to the
central place where all development happens: codereview.qt-project.org.
Our Gerrit server at codereview.qt-project.org will function as the central
place where patches get pushed to, and there the patches are then reviewed
and tested. Everybody that has a Jira account can push patches to codereview
as a Contributor.
Patches can be reviewed by anyone, and finally accepted or rejected by
Approvers and Maintainers. You will also notice that we already have some
non Nokians as Approvers and Maintainers. I’d like to especially mention
that Thiago, the maintainer for QtCore (the one library everybody is using),
is not working for Nokia. This is the most tangible evidence of what open
governance means. I expect and hope to see even more non Nokians becoming
Approvers and Maintainers in the future.
For details on how to contribute, please head over to www.qt-project.org.
For now we have only a few mailing lists available at lists.qt-project.org,
but I expect this to change and to see more specialized lists as we move
forward. The most important list is the general development mailing list
d*********[email protected] Note that the development mailing list is also a
member of the announcement mailing list, so you will automatically get
those as well.
We are continuing to use Jira for tracking bugs and requirements. The
current installation at bugreports.qt.nokia.com will be moved over the next
few weeks to the Qt Project as well.
True openness
The Qt project is a true open source project. We are inviting everybody to
participate and help making Qt a better product.
All development will happen in one central location, with access for
everyone at the same time. No more separate code flow for “Nokians vs
others”, and no more time delays! What you see is what we see. Discussions,
decisions and roadmapping will all happen in the community, by the
community, for the community. Anyone can be a Contributor, and even an
Approver or Maintainer if they show enough merit.
Talk with us about Open Governance at Qt Developer Days
Sessions regarding the Qt Project and open governance will be happening at
Qt Developer Days, and I’ll also be talking about it during my keynote. If
you are coming to the event, you will have an opportunity to learn more and
get involved in the discussion. If you are considering coming to Dev Days,
this discussion is one of many good reasons to get yourself there!
Conclusions and thanks
I am extremely happy to see that this move has now finally happened. I’d
like to take the opportunity to thank all the people that have helped making
this happen. There are many people that have contributed, but a few should
be specifically mentioned : Thiago Macieira for driving the initial work on
open governance, Marius Storm-Olsen for taking over much of that work,
Cristy Hamley for handling all of the legal issues, and Olivia Puntanen for
managing the project. Thank you all.
I am very much looking forward to starting a new chapter in the development
of Qt, and excited to work with all of you towards making Qt an even better
【 以下文字转载自 Linux 讨论区 】
发信人: cavendish (享受生活), 信区: Linux
标 题: The Qt Project is live!(zz)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Oct 21 16:30:31 2011, 美东)
The Qt Project is live!
Posted by Lars Knoll on October 21, 2011 · 30 comments
I’m happy to announce that the Qt Project officially went live today.
Starting today, development of Qt will be governed as a true open source
We now have qt-project.org – a website where all development of Qt will be
centered, providing the same infrastructure and processes for everybody that
wants to contribute to Qt.
Now that we are here, what next?
If you are interested in participating and becoming part of the Qt Project
community, the first place to look is at the projects website at qt-project.
org. This page gives a good overview on how to get started, and how you can
become part of the community and contribute to Qt.
If you have already been working with Qt, you most likely have an account in
Jira, our bugtracking tool. This account is required to get access to the
central place where all development happens: codereview.qt-project.org.
Our Gerrit server at codereview.qt-project.org will function as the central
place where patches get pushed to, and there the patches are then reviewed
and tested. Everybody that has a Jira account can push patches to codereview
as a Contributor.
Patches can be reviewed by anyone, and finally accepted or rejected by
Approvers and Maintainers. You will also notice that we already have some
non Nokians as Approvers and Maintainers. I’d like to especially mention
that Thiago, the maintainer for QtCore (the one library everybody is using),
is not working for Nokia. This is the most tangible evidence of what open
governance means. I expect and hope to see even more non Nokians becoming
Approvers and Maintainers in the future.
For details on how to contribute, please head over to www.qt-project.org.
For now we have only a few mailing lists available at lists.qt-project.org,
but I expect this to change and to see more specialized lists as we move
forward. The most important list is the general development mailing list
d*********[email protected] Note that the development mailing list is also a
member of the announcement mailing list, so you will automatically get
those as well.
We are continuing to use Jira for tracking bugs and requirements. The
current installation at bugreports.qt.nokia.com will be moved over the next
few weeks to the Qt Project as well.
True openness
The Qt project is a true open source project. We are inviting everybody to
participate and help making Qt a better product.
All development will happen in one central location, with access for
everyone at the same time. No more separate code flow for “Nokians vs
others”, and no more time delays! What you see is what we see. Discussions,
decisions and roadmapping will all happen in the community, by the
community, for the community. Anyone can be a Contributor, and even an
Approver or Maintainer if they show enough merit.
Talk with us about Open Governance at Qt Developer Days
Sessions regarding the Qt Project and open governance will be happening at
Qt Developer Days, and I’ll also be talking about it during my keynote. If
you are coming to the event, you will have an opportunity to learn more and
get involved in the discussion. If you are considering coming to Dev Days,
this discussion is one of many good reasons to get yourself there!
Conclusions and thanks
I am extremely happy to see that this move has now finally happened. I’d
like to take the opportunity to thank all the people that have helped making
this happen. There are many people that have contributed, but a few should
be specifically mentioned : Thiago Macieira for driving the initial work on
open governance, Marius Storm-Olsen for taking over much of that work,
Cristy Hamley for handling all of the legal issues, and Olivia Puntanen for
managing the project. Thank you all.
I am very much looking forward to starting a new chapter in the development
of Qt, and excited to work with all of you towards making Qt an even better


【在 c*******h 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Linux 讨论区 】
: 发信人: cavendish (享受生活), 信区: Linux
: 标 题: The Qt Project is live!(zz)
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Oct 21 16:30:31 2011, 美东)
: http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2011/10/21/the-qt-project-is-live/
: The Qt Project is live!
: Posted by Lars Knoll on October 21, 2011 · 30 comments
: I’m happy to announce that the Qt Project officially went live today.
: Starting today, development of Qt will be governed as a true open source
: project.



【在 c*******h 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Linux 讨论区 】
: 发信人: cavendish (享受生活), 信区: Linux
: 标 题: The Qt Project is live!(zz)
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Oct 21 16:30:31 2011, 美东)
: http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2011/10/21/the-qt-project-is-live/
: The Qt Project is live!
: Posted by Lars Knoll on October 21, 2011 · 30 comments
: I’m happy to announce that the Qt Project officially went live today.
: Starting today, development of Qt will be governed as a true open source
: project.

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