18 reasons to dump a roommate# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
The scary scene that arises when one's roommates are two women.
You know things are bad when Angry Toast starts writing notes.
This is what happens when your roommate who works in a pharmacy goes on a
labeling spree.
The guy who posted this on Reddit has a hunch that his roomie smokes too
much pot.
Never live with a roommate who's too cheap to buy an iron.
The end result of a passive-aggressive battle between two roommates.
He'd sleep much easier living alone.
It was this roommate's turn to buy toilet paper. Didn't go so well.
Always nice to come home to.
A helpful way to make sure your roommate jumps out of bed in the morning.
The perfect thing to see after coming home from a night shift.
The final blow in the epic battle over how to load the toilet paper.
A roommate's revenge (look closely at the keys).
This guy is actually a dream roommate because he never leaves his room.
Nothing like waking up in the morning and finding your roommate passed out
drunk in the hamper.
One of these products will give your hair a nice healthy shine.
This is why they banned Four Loko.
The beauty in this prank is in its simplicity.
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