Joke: Obama's Business Plans# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
Joke: Obama’s Business Plans
By Limin Wang
Since President Obama has been bombarded on the unemployment issue by the
Republicans, he wants to jump start his first business as a conglomerate to
hire twelve million people. It has a bundle of companies, but together, here
comes out one, the Clare Square. One of the most business-unsuccessful guys
in Washington, D.C., Joy Biting will be its Vice President.
Obama Bare: As soon as you reach the voting age, it is legal to join us. No
experience preferred.
Obama Care: Make all kinds of bio-compatible body parts for better shape and
function. Boobs and butts are the most cared.
Obama Dare: When you sense something, say something. Even when you imagine
something, say something. Also, when you dream something, say something. No
sense would make nonsense. Dare to say, please! The medium business will be
Obama Hare and Pare: It is an agricultural company, whose produce and
product can make any incompetent or indifferent human become a repubican.
Note: repubican, not republican.
Obama Mare: It is a transportation company, carriages pulled by mares. The
mares rely on cylinders for energy. No republican will even be allowed to
apply for the whip.
Obama Rare: Rumor says Arizona and New Mexico are still rich in gold, in
nuggets shape. Please only rush after this company starts, otherwise
stampede is inevitable and many of you will be scared and pushed to Mexico.
Obama Tare: Staying shoulder to shoulder with Obama Care, this company
designs dressing items for customers’ inside and outside. When customers
need to pass any security gate, all the dressing items will become invisible
to naked eyes. Out-of-Touch should be better than Watch-N-Touch.
Obama Ware: Its electronic products will make any communication much better,
even when one party does not know the communication. Visible teleprompters
will be certainly outdated in four years.
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