纽约劳模女把三哥推下站台让地铁撞死 (转载)
纽约劳模女把三哥推下站台让地铁撞死 (转载)# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
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发信人: Commissar (柯宓同志), 信区: USANews
标 题: 纽约劳模女把三哥推下站台让地铁撞死
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Dec 29 18:33:01 2012, 美东)
已经指控为谋杀和hate crime,哈哈哈。
NEW YORK—A woman accused of pushing a man to his death in front of a
speeding subway train in Queens has been charged with murder as a hate crime
, according to prosecutors, the Associated Press reported Saturday.
Police arrested Erica Menendez on Saturday after a passerby on a street
noticed she resembled the woman seen in a surveillance video.
Ms. Menendez told authorities she hates Hindus and Muslims, a spokeswoman
for Queens District Attorney Richard A. Brown said.
The victim, Sunando Sen, was from India, but it isn't clear whether he was
Muslim or Hindu.
Police officials said Ms. Menendez has made statements "implicating herself"
in the death of a man who was pushed in front of a speeding subway train in
Queens, police officials said Saturday.
The arrest capped a three-day search for a heavyset, 5-foot-5 Hispanic woman
who was caught on camera escaping from a subway platform in Sunnyside,
Queens, after she allegedly shoved a man into the path of an oncoming No. 7
train. It was the second such attack in New York City in less than a month.
Shaken New Yorkers absorbed details of the latest attack. On Thursday, Mr.
Sen, a 46-year-old Indian immigrant who lived in Elmhurst, Queens, had been
shuttling between the warmth of an indoor part of the station and the chill
of the exposed platform, trying to spot his train.
Witnesses at the 40th Street-Lowery Street subway station told police that
it didn't appear that Mr. Sen noticed a young woman mumbling to herself on a
bench nearby and pacing.
Around 8 p.m. he peered down the tracks and saw a welcome sign: A train was
approaching. Just before it hurtled into the station, the woman came up from
behind and pushed Mr. Sen with both hands, witnesses told police. He
stumbled forward and fell onto the tracks just as the train arrived.
Bystanders screamed as they watched the front of the 11-car train crash into
his body, which was later pinned under the second car. He was pronounced
dead at the scene.
Mr. Sen had recently opened his own printing store on the Upper West Side
and was recovering from a heart attack earlier this year. He lived with
three roommates in a sparse apartment in Elmhurst and saw his new business
as a chance for a better life, his roommates told The Wall Street Journal.
He had been working seven days a week trying to promote the shop, despite
doctors' orders that he rest, they said.
Police spent the days since his death following up on tips and investigating
homeless shelters and psychiatric wards, they said.
On Saturday, police were trying to arrange witnesses to identify the woman
before formally charging her with Mr. Sen's death, a New York Police
Department spokesman said.