Joint Venture Agreement (Duke Kunshan University) (转载)
Joint Venture Agreement (Duke Kunshan University) (转载)# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
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发信人: gogo2004 (挑灯看剑), 信区: Taiwan
标 题: Joint Venture Agreement (Duke Kunshan University)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Apr 12 10:23:39 2014, 美东)
The Joint Venture Agreement will:
Create a Chinese legal entity, Duke Kunshan University (DKU).
Give Duke the sole authority to propose to the DKU Board all policies and
procedures by which DKU will operate.
Give Duke 3 of 7 seats on the Board of DKU, and establish a 5 vote
requirement for all significant DKU decisions, thereby requiring at least
one Duke vote for all Board decisions. Kunshan and Wuhan will each
name two members of the Board.
Give Duke the authority to name the Duke members of the Board and to
nominate the DKU President for approval by the DKU Board.
Adopt or recognize as exemplars a number of Duke policies and procedures for
the operation of DKU in areas of key importance, including adoption of
statement of“Fundamental Principles of Academic Quality” which establishes
Duke’s lead role in faculty affairs, admissions, curriculum and provides
basic guarantees of academic
freedom, including open access to library and internet resources.
Commit Duke to developing the campus's educational programs at world-class
standards and sharing theresponsibility for annual operating support with
Kunshan for at least the first six years of operation.Educational programs
are to be developedin several phases, eventually culminating in the
development of a comprehensive
research university, including both undergraduate and graduate programs. The
document allows Duke to develop partnerships with other institutions to
offer particular programs. Thus Duke per se is not committed to offering any
particular future program, e.g. programs leading to undergraduate degrees.
Commit Kunshan to a zero cost lease of land and facilities to DKU for at
least 10 years and to provide annual operating subsidies, in partnership
with Duke, for at least six years.
Insulate Duke from the liabilities and obligations of DKU except as Duke
shall choose to provide annual operating support.
Give Duke the right to withdraw from involvement in DKU and remove the Duke
name from the University in the event of a fundamental disagreement.