2 楼
not, sp3 is a cumulative service package
Re: where is the boot.ini fileRe: HELP!我的winxp怎么这么的大?Re: 繁简转换问题Re: My WinXP crashed after 'Hotfix (SP2)' ft!Re: 一个非常诡异的发现Re: Stupid question about photoshop!Re: wma的文件老是不能拖动!好像有软件可以解决的!Re: ABOUT NORDON GHOSTRe: Does PC133 SDRAM work on PC100 machine?Re: 问个95的问题Re: Can anybody teach how to convert *.doc to *.pdf format? 3XRe: Windows terminalRe: keyboard no response in XPRe: 土土的问题。。。关于路径Re: 请教:how to change file extensions in winRe: 如何设置2k没登录状态的屏保??Re: [转载] 英文windows2000的big5和GB中文共存问题Re: Windows XP 用户设置一问Re: 怎么导出ie 的 bookmarksRe: 请问:NTFS vs. FAT 格式