Questions about VEE statistics# Actuary - 精算
1 楼
There are several options for courses offered in my school
1. a single class that combined regression and time series
2. 2 classes, one for each topic
I already finished the approved regression class but don't have the time
series one yet, so I can either take
option 1, or take another class to complete option 2
problem is, option 1 is over-registered and I am still on the waitlist, it
is very likely I won't get in at
for option 2, if I register now I have already missed 2 weeks worth o
1. a single class that combined regression and time series
2. 2 classes, one for each topic
I already finished the approved regression class but don't have the time
series one yet, so I can either take
option 1, or take another class to complete option 2
problem is, option 1 is over-registered and I am still on the waitlist, it
is very likely I won't get in at
for option 2, if I register now I have already missed 2 weeks worth o