A new kind of cosmic energy has been released upon us just a few hours ago,
as planet Neptune entered Pisces! This is a momentous event because the sign
of Pisces is the natural "domicile" of Neptune, meaning that in this sign
Neptune finds a very fertile "soil", feels totally unhindered and stimulated
and expresses its full potential!
It takes roughly 165 years for Neptune to run through the 12 signs of the
zodiac. So, the previous time the same event occured (Neptune entered Pisces
) the calendars were showing the year 1847! None of us was alive then so
that s/he can tell the tale. And not only us but probably neither our great-
great-grandfathers were alive back then. So, this Neptune in Pisces energy
is new to us, we have to experience it "ex novo". What I mean is that even
Uranus'cycles are more familiar to us, as this planet runs through the whole
zodiac in 84 years, almost in a three generations time span. So, probably
we were not alive back in 1927 - the previous time Uranus had entered Aries
- but a grandfather might have narrated us the "spirit" of that period. But
nobody has first-hand narrated us the Neptune in Pisces feeling. It is a
distant and somehow alien feeling to us...
Neptune represents some very eerie situations, situations that almost make
no sense in our practical, down to Earth, realistic world. It is one of the
three "soul planets" (the other two being Moon and Pluto), so the "Soul" is
its main dominion. Additionally, being Venuses higher octave Union is
another of Neptune's concerns. But not the simple and often vulgar kind of
union between a man and a woman. Neptune's "Union" is much more profound,
wide and subtle.
To give you an example, it is the mystic kind of "Union" that the spectators
of a very touching movie experience the very moment they exit the theater
and "conspiratorially" look at each other! In their immense innate wisdom
our souls know that - in spite of the appearances - they are One, thus they
ever crave for such a kind of "mystic Union" situations. Unfortunately in
our Era we are dictated to become ever more consumistic and individualistic,
to follow a lifestyle that offers very few "mystic union" situations. But
since our souls cannot be dictated and are continuously longing for such
situations many people resort to the one and only (and actually artificial)
"mystic Union" remedy which our lifestyle promotes, the - often deadly -
But why is this Neptunian "mystic Union" sensation so important after all?
Because it lies at the very core of the Universal Love! If Uranus urges us
to love our fellow humans as our brothers then Neptune urges us to love them
as very parts of our-selves! And nobody can truly Love his/her fellow human
unless s/he experiences first this sort of mystic Union with him/her!
Compassion is largely made out of this "knowledge" too.
So, with Neptune in Pisces us human beings will become more "United",we will
start loving more profoundly our fellow humans. But since Neptune in Pisces
will somehow "de-materialize" our world (probably bringing forth massives
shortages of goods), I have the suspicion that a huge wave of poverty will
be spread across our planet till 2026 (when Neptune will leave Pisces). And
under poverty people unite their souls more readily. New institutions and
charities will be established in order to help the poor, sick and weary. The
watery element will become more prominent now, either through torrential
rains, inundations, tsunami's or out of the lack of it! We will discover new
"magic" properties of the water!
With Neptune in Pisces life will taste more like a Fairy-tale, as we will
discover certain new "fabulous" dimensions of it! This does not mean that we
will be constantly happy. On the contrary, traits like melancholy, sorrow,
martyrdom will become more apparent and even fashionable in people. In any
case, Romantic Love will takes its revenge now. The "what is your name again
?" over-sexed times will become somehow "passe"! Improbable as it seems,
some people might even start singing serenades under their beloved person's
balcony, like in the old times.
The membrane seperating our limited "reality" from the "Invisible" and the
vast Cosmos will become much thinner now and all sorts of weird concepts,
energies, even "entities" will penetrate our world. Angels, "angelic
therapies", "psychic sessions", rituals to communicate with the "other
dimensions" will become extremely fashionable. Escapism too. Not to mention
the development of fascinating new visual means and arts...
Thomas Gazis
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