昨天用在线塔罗牌tarot算了下那飞机情况 (转载)
昨天用在线塔罗牌tarot算了下那飞机情况 (转载)# astrology - 星座物语
【 以下文字转载自 Blessing 讨论区 】
发信人: ijoy (ijoy), 信区: Blessing
标 题: 昨天用在线塔罗牌tarot算了下那飞机情况
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Mar 16 15:35:18 2014, 美东)
正位2张   逆位1张
Tarot Card Interpretation & Meaning - (9) The Hermit Reversed
The Hermit Reversed
Introduction: Even when reversed, the Hermit is an extremely spiritual
card, and often has to do with institutions and organizations -
everything from a bank to the entire Christian Church. This card
indicates a link to spirituality even if you are an atheist, even when
it comes up in reverse. The Hermit in reversal can mean that you are
too focused on finding the “truth” about some matter when you might do
better to just let it go and move forward with your life.
General: There is nothing wrong with having a need for some time alone
- don't be afraid to take it. Problems can arise, however, when one
spends too much time alone or is too fearful of being around other
people or being vulnerable to them. Life is about vulnerability.
Work: You are likely to finally get to the bottom of some work issues
which have been troubling you and/or which have been unclear. Don’t
hesitate to ask questions not only of yourself but also of other
people to understand more about the way things are going at work - and
the way they should be going. Remain conscious of the fact that if
there are current issues at work that are troublesome, that you may in
some way be contributing to them.
Love: When the Hermit shows in reverse, it still indicates that it's
possible that a romance from your past will be re-kindled. You should
ask yourself whether that is really what you want? If you are thinking
that you want nothing more than a romantic relationship; look at your
behavior. Does it align with that analysis? Are you making a point to
meet people, to reach out, to make yourself available for a
relationship? When the card appears in reverse and you are already in
a committed relationship, it’s important that you make a point to
spend time, energy and attention on each other, no matter how busy you
Finances: When the Hermit appears in reverse, it’s a particularly good
time to seek good advice and good analysis on your financial
endeavors. This is not a safe time to “fly blind” and just assume that
everything will work out in the end. If you don’t understand where
your money comes from and where it is going (or how to invest, and so
on) this is an excellent and important time to educate yourself.
Health: When the hermit appears in reversal, your current health
practices may no longer be working for you and/or you may need to
develop some healthier habits. This is an excellent time to consider
even very small steps which you could be taking to improve your
health. Rome wasn’t built in a day and most important health changes –
lasting changes – don’t usually happen overnight either. Take one step
at a time.
Spirituality: When the hermit appears in reverse, you may have been
going too much “on your own” for your spiritual benefit. Yes, personal
and private contemplation is important, however, fellowship with
like-minded people is also important. Reach out. You will be glad that
you did.
Tarot Card Interpretation & Meaning - Queen Of Cups
Queen Of Cups
Introduction: The Queen of Cups is among the most loving archetypes in
the tarot deck. She indicates compassion, love, and concern for
ourselves and our fellow man. Often when the "court cards" come up in
a reading, they indicate an actual person, in this case a woman, in
our lives. The majority of the time when the queen of Cups appears,
and is "standing in" for a person, she is representing a female with
hair on the lighter end of the spectrum.
General: Generally the Queen of Cups indicates female energy that is
solidly "in your corner," that women in your life are very much
supportive of you and/or that a woman will come to your aid. The queen
of Cups also reminds us to treat ourselves with love and compassion.
No matter who and where you are, there are things in you that are
worthy of love and respect.
Work: In the context of work the Queen usually indicates a literal
woman who will be very helpful to you. Often this woman has light
colored hair. The queen reminds us to bring love and compassion to our
work, and that this is possible even if we work in a factory with
objects all day rather than people. Things are probably better in your
working world when this card appears than you are realizing. Think
Love: When the Queen of Cups comes up in the context of love, she
often indicates a very positive outlook about a relationship. If you
are single and she appears, it's a good indicator that you should "get
out and mingle," as a new, very positive, romance may be on the
horizon. The thing is, when she appears, it is easy to get carried
away regarding love. Keep your balance and your perspective. Even with
the excitement of brand new love, it's important to keep track of the
other things happening in our lives.
Finances: The Queen of Cups often indicates good news with relation to
finance. No matter what is happening in your financial life, give
yourself a break, and know that you can make a positive difference if
you have need of more prosperity in your life. The queen indicates
creativity and that you can reach out to others (particularly women)
now, and get the help and advice that you need to make a positive
difference financially. Again, expect positive movement.
Health: This card signifies support and love in the context of health.
If you have need of healing, look to women/those with strong feminine
energy. She also indicates the need to be loving and supportive of
yourself, particularly if you are facing health challenges. If you are
dealing with illness of some type, the queen of Cups can mean that you
need to forgive and send love to your body. No matter the situation,
your body has doubtless been good to you in some ways. Think
positively and trust in the universe's healing energy. She can also
mean good news with regard to health.
Spirituality: You are likely to be very in touch with the
inter-relatedness of all beings now. The Queen of Cups can indicate
marked increases in clairvoyant experiences. Be open to the magical
energy of life and feel the love flowing all around you. A woman may
be an important spiritual leader to you now. Whether male or female
yourself, consider feminine archetypes and energy now. They will lead
you into new and deeper spiritual understandings.
Tarot Card Interpretation & Meaning - Ace Of Wands
Ace Of Wands
Introduction: Aces of any suit usually indicate new beginnings -
generally very positive ones. Wands are in the realm of accomplishment
and are often generally related to work/career. If you are having a
difficult time and draw the Ace of Wands in a reading, know that
things are likely to be getting much better very soon!
General: This card depicts being upbeat, optimistic, and hopeful about
your future - with good cause! You are likely to be feeling quite
energetic and positive, or you very soon will be feeling that way.
Aces also tell you that now is a good time to start something new.
What will you begin?
Work: If you are looking for a new position when the Ace of wands
appears, know that something new and very positive is likely to be
headed your way soon. Be bold and ask for what you want/need in the
work/career arena. You are likely to be more successful than you'd
dream possible.
Love: If you are single, this can indicate the beginning of a new love
relationship heading your way. Make yourself available for love in
whatever way makes sense to you. If you are already committed, the ace
tells you that the relationship is about to undergo a ‘new beginning,'
and you will rise to new levels of understanding each other. Express
Finances: The appearance of this card is usually the sign of a turn
for the better in terms of fortune and wealth, and sometimes it can
even indicate gifts of money, or inheritance from unexpected sources
(but it certainly doesn't mean that someone has to pass over for you
to receive this inheritance.) This gift does not have to be money of
course; any kind of gift that has value to both the giver and the
receiver can be indicated by the Ace.
Health: You will soon reach new, positive levels of health and
vitality. This is an excellent time to begin a new health regime.
Start where you are. If this means exercising for two minutes, or
eating vegetables at one meal a week, then that's what you should do.
The payoff for doing so will be huge. Don't delay.
Spirituality: Remember that your mind and body are more closely linked
then you tend to consider. One affects the other, without fail. This
card can indicate a new spiritual influence coming into your life.
Think about your spiritual role models. If you don't have one, find
one. There is always help available, if you are open to it.
Tarot Card Interpretation & Meaning - 3 Of Wands Reversed
3 Of Wands Reversed
Introduction: When the reversed 3 of Wands appears, things in general
are very likely to be going much better than you would expect in the
near future. You may finally get a well-deserved rest or break from
your hard work. Allow yourself this time to re-charge.
General: In general the reversed 3 of Wands can refer to a wish coming
true, in a positive way. Think carefully about what it is that you
really wish for and why. You are likely to find yourself with sudden
understanings coming to you - about yourself, about other people, and
about the world. Generally, you can trust this new knowledge.
Work: When the 3 of Wands reversed appears in the context of work, it
tells us that you will be making important steps and leaps with regard
to your work. You could even be preparing to start your own business
in some way. In general, you can expect good things with regard to
what you do. Don't be shy. Let your talents be obvious to people.
Cooperate with others.
Love: Recent difficulty in your love relationship may be coming to an
end when the reversed 3 of Wands appears. If you are looking for love,
someone may try to establish a relationship with you. As the saying
goes, "don't judge a book by its cover." If you're looking for love,
give people a chance. You may be surprised in a very good way if you
Finances: As with the upright meaning, the reversed 3 of Wands can
indicate that things will shortly be looking up for you financially.
However, this increase will definitely be tied to collaboration and
cooperation with others. Don't try to do it all on your own. If you
have financial questions, find a good advisor.
Health: The reversed 3 of Wands implies that your upcoming health
reports will be better than you had imagined. You are on the right
track with regard to caring for yourself. Keep up the good work. If
you could use support to keep up your efforts, know that the support
is already out there and that there are a lot of people "in your
shoes." Just reach out.
Spirituality: You may be on the verge of making a concerted attempt to
grow spiritually when this card appears. Know that you can do so, and
that the benefits of such growth are large. Inspiration and new
information can come from the most surprising of sources. Take one
step at a time.
觉得跟自己的牌没有connection, 不像占星很快就来感觉了

【在 i**y 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Blessing 讨论区 】
: 发信人: ijoy (ijoy), 信区: Blessing
: 标 题: 昨天用在线塔罗牌tarot算了下那飞机情况
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Mar 16 15:35:18 2014, 美东)
: 昨天用在线塔罗牌tarot算了下那飞机情况。
: 『牌阵名称』:圣三角
: ◎使用【偉特牌普及版】占卜◎
: ◎使用78张占卜◎
: ◎底牌是【权杖3】【逆位置↓】◎
: ◎不使用象征指示牌◎

Even when reversed, the Hermit is an extremely spiritual card, and often has
to do with institutions and organizations - everything from a bank to the
entire Christian Church. This card indicates a link to spirituality even if
you are an atheist, even when it comes up in reverse. The Hermit in reversal
can mean that you are too focused on finding the “truth” about some
matter when you might do better to just let it go and move forward with your
暗示 与宗教(或神灵)组织有关,暗示 与其探索事情真相 不如放弃 该怎样生活还是
1. 最重要的大牌出现在【过去】,暗示:【过去】最重要。
2. 该大牌暗示:与宗教(或神灵)组织有关,暗示 与其探索事情真相 不如放弃 该怎
3. 【现在】是【圣杯皇后】【正位置↑】,暗示:情感,关爱,母性(造物主/mother
4. 【未来】是【权杖ACE】【正位置↑】,暗示:变化,改变,新的开始,进入nature
's new cycling。。。?
5. 缺乏【金币】和【宝剑】,暗示:money is not an issue or not involved.
conflict is not an issue or not involved. 无关金钱,或者,金钱不是目的;无关
最重要的【过去】的发生 有关于宗教(或神灵,或甚至党派)组织(或机构/单位),
整件事情无关(或基本上无关)于金钱 而且 没有遭遇到(或基本上没有遭遇到)冲突
,【现在】被mother nature(海洋,因为海洋是生命的摇篮)所拥抱(关爱)(表示
或很难)得知,最终将放弃和move on。
申明:my 2 cents only...
Question:Is THE plane Flight 370 in the ocean?
正位2张   逆位1张
最重要的大牌出现在【未来】 是关于duality,阴阳,循环,【过去】已经是 完成时
了,再纠缠也是无益,time to let go and move on,【现在】not to beat yourself
up, show gentleness to each other. everything is a cycle.
Tarot Card Interpretation & Meaning - 5 Of Cups
5 Of Cups
Introduction: The 5 of Cups is another card which reminds us that where we
put our focus in life has a great deal to do with the quality of our lives
and how well they work for us. What are you going to choose to focus on?
General: In most tarot decks, most depictions on each card give solid guides
toward interpretation, for this card, this is more than usually the case.
Most often, a sad or downcast figure is shown, with five cups. Three are
spilled, and two remain upright and whole. The implication is extremely
clear; are you going to cry over "spilt milk" or are you going to focus on
the "milk" you still have, and get on with things? The point is: watch where
you put your focus and make sure that the focus is for your highest good.
Work: If you are trying to find work when this card comes up, try not to get
too worked up if there are delays. Things with applications, resumes, and
such, will likely be moving slowly. Be pro-active but not pushy. When this
card appears (and the question is about work…) it can be a signifier that
you are actually in the wrong job. Consider what you would like to be doing.
Take steps toward making it happen.
Love: A love relationship you are in may have just ended or may be about to
start the process of ending. You must realize that "all is not lost." You
are probably not yet ready to move into a new relationship. Give yourself
some time and space…then get back out there. There will come a day when you
realize that the reason this relationship ended was to get you to the place
you "really want to be," which is in a relationship that really works for
you, and works well.
Finances: Worrying too much about money can actually have the opposite
effect of what you are trying to "make happen" and that's having a better
flow of financial prosperity - that is, a flow in your favor. The way to get
a handle on this worry is actually to be generous. You're probably not as "
bad off" as you think. Give something away, or make a small donation to a
cause that you believe in.
Health: It's critical that you keep a positive attitude. If you just "can't
get over" what someone "did to you" or what happened in your past, now is
the time to get help in resolving these issues, before you cause yourself
serious damage/pain by dwelling on your past. The past is gone. Focus on the
present, and the future.
Spirituality: It's important now to give some thought to forgiveness. You
don't forgive others for THEIR sake, or because they "deserve it,"
necessarily, you do it for your own sake, because holding on to anger and
pain is toxic and bad for you. Not only that, while you're busy being angry
and full of pain, the person you're angry with, is often somewhere having a
good time! So, now is the time to let go.
Tarot Card Interpretation & Meaning - 9 Of Wands Reversed
9 Of Wands Reversed
Introduction: The reversed 9 of Wands points to a need for gentleness - both
with yourself and with other people. Know your strengths. Remember that
kindness and weakness are not the same thing. Show kindness as often as you
can now.
General: When the 9 of Wands reversed comes up, it is important not to "beat
yourself up," if you find your mental, emotional, or physical strength
waning. None of us can be perfectly strong all the time. Allow yourself to
lean on someone or something positive, and know that your strength will
return. Everything is a cycle.
Work: You may be feeling absolutely overwhelmed at work and be unsure about
where to turn. If this is the case, talk it through with people in your
personal life that you trust, and then consider what the appropriate action
would be in your workplace. There is no need to be a bull in a china shop,
but there is also usually little sense in doing multiple things halfway
rather than a few things very well at work. If possible, ask for help. Take
one hour at a time, if you need to.
Love: You may be 100% convinced that you are right and your partner is wrong
about something when the reversed 9 of Wands appears in the context of love
. That may indeed be the case, but you are not going to force your partner
to see your point of view through anger and coercion. Try a gentle approach,
and find out what underlies your partner's point of view or actions. If you
are looking for love, again, a gentle, thoughtful approach can work wonders
. Hot and fast pursuit is likely to get you burned now.
Finances: In terms of finances, the reversed 9 bears essentially the same
meaning as the upright card. Driving yourself crazy with fear and worry will
not help your financial situation. Don't beat yourself up for being where
you are, just take one thing at a time, ask for help if you need it, and
consider ways to cut expenses and/or increase your income. You can get
through this, but freaking out will hurt instead of help. Nothing is likely
to change overnight and this is not the time to gamble, either.
Health: Do the best you can to stay calm and patient. Anxiety can be a major
problem now if you let it overwhelm you. Deep breathing, vigorous exercise
(if you can tolerate it/if your doctor has okayed it) can be very helpful
now. If you're waiting for answers on health questions, you may have to wait
just a little longer. Don't hesitate to seek support and talk about what is
concerning you. Release tension as best you can.
Spirituality: You may not be feeling very "spiritual" when the reversed 9 of
Wands appears. You may feel that there are too many functional concerns in
your life right now to give much attention to your spirit. That would be a
mistake, as we are at all times a mixture of body, mind, and spirit, and the
people who are the happiest and function the best typically are mindful of
all three parts of that triad. Even if all you can muster now is a few
moments in silent contemplation or a visit to a house of worship once every
few weeks, that's a start. Start where you are. Some attention to your
spirit is better than nothing at all, and it's more than okay to handle your
spirituality in your own way, no matter what anyone else says or thinks.
Tarot Card Interpretation & Meaning - (6) The Lovers
The Lovers
Introduction: The Lovers is associated with the astrological sign of Gemini,
"The Twins." It almost always points to partnerships with just one other
person; generally, and not surprisingly, this indicates a romantic
partnership, but of course this is not always the case. Less frequently, it
points to the duality that all of us have inwardly - between male/female,
yin/yang, approach/avoidance, and the like.
General: It's possible when this card appears that you are feeling
ambivalent about a relationship or situation in your life. It could be that
your heart is telling you one thing, and your head, another. In general, the
thing to do is (within the bounds of your morality) to follow your heart.
Some people say there are only two modes that any of us are operating under
at any time; and that's "fear" or "love." When you can: choose love.
Work: You may be facing a choice or decision in relation to work. Analyze
all available information, then make your best choice. It's possible that
what you initially interpret as a bad thing will turn out to work in your
favor. Be cautious about mixing business with romance; if you chose to go
there, make sure you know exactly what the stakes are.
Love: When this card appears, it usually means this time is likely to bring
LOVE in capital letters to the center stage of your life. This is either a
new relationship, or a powerful re-bonding of an old one. Either way you
will be quite happy about how romance is going and others will likely remark
that you are "glowing." This is serious stuff. It could mean, even in a new
relationship, where you are meeting each other's families and talking about
"forever." Again, share your joy with those around you who need it. Life
will feel blissful to you now, which is wonderful.
Finances: Things are likely to be going so blissfully for you romantically
that it would be easy for you to lose track of where you are with your
personal/financial life. Most things can wait, of course, but some things
absolutely can not so just be sure that you don't lose sight of the things
you really must do.
Health: If you are facing health challenges, know that the right partner to
help you get back to wholeness will come to you. Whether that's a
traditional doctor, nurse, or healer depends a great deal on your
preferences and choice in life. Again, if you are facing challenges, think
deeply about your current understanding about health and wellness, and
undertaking any healing affirmations/forgiveness work that you may need to
Spirituality: Again, working with a special person, like a mentor or leader
that you have faith in can help you along your spiritual journey. However,
don't blindly follow; question everything, listen to your heart and your gut
reactions; take what is offered that is helpful to you, and disregard the
rest. A mentor may be getting ready to come into your life. Remember the old
saying: "When the student is ready, the teacher appears."
Tarot Card Interpretation & Meaning - 3 Of Pentacles
3 Of Pentacles
Introduction: The 3 of Pentacles is a very positive card, particularly with
regard to work and career questions, but it's a good overall omen that you
are in general, doing well.
General: The 3 of Pentacles tells you that the people around you appreciate
you and your efforts, and notice the quality of what you do, even if you don
't get a paycheck. The Three tells you to keep doing what you're doing as
you are on the right track (although there is always room for improvement.)
You don't need to scrap something and start again.
Work: This is an extremely positive omen with regard to work and career
questions. It tells you that your work is appreciated and generally well
regarded, which is always a good place to find yourself. Similarly, if you
are seeking employment, this card hints that you can expect success fairly
Love: In a love question, the 3 of Pentacles is a good omen. Particularly if
you already know someone that you are interested in, this tells you that
they see you in a positive light, as someone who has the qualities that they
are looking for, although love has not quite developed yet. So there is a
need for patience. If you're unattached but looking for love, this card
indicates that you are likely to meet someone through your work or through
theirs. Keep your eyes open!
Finances: The 3 of Pentacles is a very good omen with regard to money; it
can mean that your proverbial "ship is coming in," though it carries with it
the clear caveat that you still must do your part. This is not a card about
windfalls, it's a card about fair remuneration for the work that you have
done and the quality of it. Keep a positive attitude, keep plugging along,
and the rewards will come. Things are looking up.
Health: Your health is likely to show a positive increase, but this is not a
result of a miracle, it's the result of the work that you've been doing to
improve your health. This card shows that you are on the right track; keep
doing what you are doing.
Spirituality: Looking into ancient organizations and traditions may lead you
into wonderful and very deep insight now. You don't have to join some
organization unless you wish to, these insights can be gleaned simply by
reading about their belief systems and organizations. Learn more about
rituals from the past. They will deepen your spiritual understanding and

【在 i**y 的大作中提到】
: 我还不会解读。就是想记录一下。难道真的是“不要找了,好好爱自己,一切都会好起
: 来”。。。
