请发信投诉ABC的jimmy kimmel 在节目中煽动杀光中国人 (转载)
请发信投诉ABC的jimmy kimmel 在节目中煽动杀光中国人 (转载)# astrology - 星座物语
【 以下文字转载自 InnerMongolia 讨论区 】
发信人: Cinderella05 (灰姑娘), 信区: InnerMongolia
标 题: 请发信投诉ABC的jimmy kimmel 在节目中煽动杀光中国人 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Oct 22 11:19:59 2013, 美东)
发信人: texascave (texascave), 信区: Military
标 题: 请发信投诉ABC的jimmy kimmel 在节目中煽动杀光中国人
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Oct 19 13:30:24 2013, 美东)
请参加这个FACEBOOK, Courtesy of TSLA (MITBBS)
小孩子确实是无知和天真的,但是ABC和jimmy kimmel是成年人, 小孩子没有什么错
误,但是成年人选择播放这个就是完全恶意的, 这个如果换成杀光黑人, 或者杀光
任何其他一个种族的言论都是不能接受的, 我们华人的懦弱造成了这样的事件层出不
穷,今天你不说话,以为和你没有关系, 明天德国人屠杀犹太人的历史就在我们身上重
演, 这种成年人借小孩的口说出极端种族主义的言论是不能接受的,请写信给下面的
部门投诉, 下面是我写的信的内容, 请稍微更改然后发出. 我也在白宫的联系邮箱
请大家坚持,只要ABC和Kimmel一天不道歉,我们就抗议一天,如果写信没有作用, 我们会
去ABC的总部游行. 请大家同时给各大报纸的报料信箱发信, 我已经发了, 告诉他们有
请大家不要谩骂, 美国的文化是你一旦暴跳如雷, 别人就不会再听您所说的话了. 下面
如果有若干的邮件是不对的, 请参考下面的 LINK, Paul Lee是CEO,那个邮件好象是对
的, 邮件并没有被退回
p******[email protected], A***************[email protected], B*************[email protected],
C********[email protected], d**********[email protected],
E**************[email protected], J************[email protected], J***********[email protected],
J**************[email protected], L**************[email protected], L***********[email protected],
M***************[email protected], i***************[email protected],
P****************[email protected], S**********[email protected], T*************[email protected],
Y********[email protected]
这个节目的播出连接如下, 您可以通过FACEBOOK直接在这里表达不满,请不
要谩骂, 不要威胁,只是说出您的不满.
M************[email protected]
J*****************[email protected]
A******[email protected]
Page Created by Clover(MITBBS)这里有Clover做好的写信的模板和全部的可以写信投
名, 如果有FACEBOOK的请转发这个链接. 人家打了Alexian Lien, 你觉得人家是台湾人
,和我无关; 人家为了抢劫BMW的时候杀了两个华人然后杀人犯的家属去法院抗议,你也
觉得和你无关; 人家在加州当着华人儿子的面因为种族仇恨打死了父亲, 你还是觉得和
你无关; 三藩85%的暴力袭击和种族仇恨的犯罪的受害者是亚洲人(警察公布的数据,如
果有异议, 我可以马上把链接发上来),你还是觉得和你无关. 但是有一天这样的事情降
临到您的头上的时候, 还有什么人会站在你自己这一边呢? 我们华人什么时候能明白我
们的忍让就是对坏人的纵容呢? 如果有一天, 你的孩子在学校的时候白人小孩告诉他美
国应该杀光所有的中国人, 你还觉得这是玩笑吗? 还觉得这和你无关,所以要有点幽默
感, 然后欣然走开吗?一些无知的人说South Park经常开犹太人的玩笑,但是这些无知的
人并不知道South Park的两个创作人自己就是犹太人,但是绝对没有如此过分, Jimmy
I was very disturbed by Jimmy Kimmel’s ‘Kids Table’ show about government
shutdown. It was aired
on ABC recently and talked about killing all the Chinese so that the states
do not need to pay back their debts to China. The kids might not know
anything better. However, Jimmy Kimmel and ABC’s management are adults.
They had a choice not to air this racist program, which promotes racial
hatred. The program is totally unacceptable and it must be cut. A sincere
apology must be issued. It is extremely distasteful and this is the same
rhetoric used in Nazi Germany against Jewish people. Please immediately cut
the show and issue a formal apology.
自由, 我自己为人父母, 我知道这个节目我是不能让我的孩子看的,我的孩子没有办法
磕, 我自己的力量很小, 但是我就是要尽这份力量, 我不能再容忍这样明目张胆的种族
仇恨. 这种假借小孩之口说出成人没有办法说的伎俩非常无耻, 非君子所为.  这个
节目是左派精英喜欢看的, 这个任意侮辱华人的苗头一开,是非常可怕的.我就是要和
他们杠上. 如果有游行, 我就飞到New York去参加. 当看客的可以继续当看客, 说
风凉话的可以继续说, 为了我的孩子, 我就是要和他们拼命.
Debbie Richman
Senior Vice President of Prime-time Sales
Geri Wang
President of Sales & Marketing
Jim Hedges
Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President
Paul Lee
President, ABC Entertainment Group
77 West 66th Street
New York City, NY 10023
Jimmy Kimmel’s recent Kid’s Table Show about government shutdown has
disturbed my family and Chinese community. The show promoted the idea of
killing the Chinese so that the states do not need to pay back the national
Kimmel asked several kids in the show how to solve the problems of the
National Debt. Several kids said directly that we should kill all the
Chinese so that we do not need to pay. Kimmel and ABC aired the show to the
public and treated it like a joke. The kids are innocent. However, ABC
management and Kimmel are adults. If you switched the Chinese race in the
show to any other race in the states and made the same statement, the show
would not have been aired. It is very disturbing and unacceptable. In
history, Nazi Germany used the same rhetoric to demonize the Jewish people
before Hitler was in power. Kimmel used the innocent kids to make a
statement that he could not say in public. At least, by airing the show,
Kimmel and ABC management have endorsed the racially inflammatory statement
made by the kids. I cannot let my children see this negative content
towards their race, and I am sure many parents feel the same way.
Conscience is a necessity in any industry, especially in a media company
like ABC. I am extremely disappointed by this show. I have made a White
House Petition to investigate this racial hatred. Tens of thousands of
emails and letters were sent to politicians, the FCC, and to ABC. The
Chinese community will arrange a rally in front of the ABC headquarters if
this distasteful show is not taken down and a sincere apology issued.
Chinese contribute to the community and the country, just like any other
group in this country. It is disgusting to use some innocent kids to make a
racially biased statement. Thank you for your assistance.