Astronomy Picture of Day: Centaurus A# Astronomy - 天文
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The Colors and Mysteries of Centaurus A
Credit: X-ray (NASA/CXC/M. Karovska et al.); Radio 21-cm image
(NRAO/VLA/Schiminovich, et al.),
Radio continuum image (NRAO/VLA/J.Condon et al.); Optical (Digitized Sky Survey, U.K.
Schmidt Image/ STScI)
Explanation: Why is spiral galaxy Centaurus A in so much turmoil? The above composite
image shows different clues to the unusual galaxy's past in different bands of light. In low
energy radio waves, sh
Credit: X-ray (NASA/CXC/M. Karovska et al.); Radio 21-cm image
(NRAO/VLA/Schiminovich, et al.),
Radio continuum image (NRAO/VLA/J.Condon et al.); Optical (Digitized Sky Survey, U.K.
Schmidt Image/ STScI)
Explanation: Why is spiral galaxy Centaurus A in so much turmoil? The above composite
image shows different clues to the unusual galaxy's past in different bands of light. In low
energy radio waves, sh