2 楼
Mid level, contract-to-hire in 6 month. Almost sure to be converted to full-
time after 6 month if your progress isn't too bad.
Interview won't be very chalenging as long as you have 2-5 years of real
experiences core Java, JSP, Javascript, JQuery, Spring MVC and SQL, Version
Control (SVN). real experience on Spring MVC is huge plus.
Decision can be made very quickly.
Google for "Rural Housing, Java, Newark DE". You may need to apply through
one of the header hunters who post the job.
Sorry I won't be able to answer any queries.
time after 6 month if your progress isn't too bad.
Interview won't be very chalenging as long as you have 2-5 years of real
experiences core Java, JSP, Javascript, JQuery, Spring MVC and SQL, Version
Control (SVN). real experience on Spring MVC is huge plus.
Decision can be made very quickly.
Google for "Rural Housing, Java, Newark DE". You may need to apply through
one of the header hunters who post the job.
Sorry I won't be able to answer any queries.
3 楼
Tue, 16 Mar '10
Only Test Aircraft To Include Some Elements Of Passenger Interior
Boeing has added the fourth 787 Dreamliner to its flight-test fleet with the
completion of the first flight of ZA003. The airplane departed Paine Field
(KPAE) in Everett, WA, at 1055 PDT Sunday, and landed at 1401 at Boeing
Field (KBFI) in Seattle.
Captains Ray Craig and Mike Bryan piloted the airplane on its three-hour-and
-six-minute flight. ZA003 is the final 787 with Rolls-Royce Trent 1000
engines to enter the
Only Test Aircraft To Include Some Elements Of Passenger Interior
Boeing has added the fourth 787 Dreamliner to its flight-test fleet with the
completion of the first flight of ZA003. The airplane departed Paine Field
(KPAE) in Everett, WA, at 1055 PDT Sunday, and landed at 1401 at Boeing
Field (KBFI) in Seattle.
Captains Ray Craig and Mike Bryan piloted the airplane on its three-hour-and
-six-minute flight. ZA003 is the final 787 with Rolls-Royce Trent 1000
engines to enter the
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