2 楼
据我所知加sodium acetate just help precipitate DNA, any salt should work. So
your DNA should be ok.
10% Sodium Deoxycholate(M = 414.6) has lower amount of salt than 3M sodum
acetate(M = 82.03), thought precipitation should not as good as adding sodium
acetate, wierd?
But your DNA should be ok, just re-solve it and purify again, should be fine.
Only I don't know if deoxycholate will cause any unexpected reaction. hehe!
Good luck!
your DNA should be ok.
10% Sodium Deoxycholate(M = 414.6) has lower amount of salt than 3M sodum
acetate(M = 82.03), thought precipitation should not as good as adding sodium
acetate, wierd?
But your DNA should be ok, just re-solve it and purify again, should be fine.
Only I don't know if deoxycholate will cause any unexpected reaction. hehe!
Good luck!
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