加点辣椒Re: some Qs I have in mind for TCM
加点辣椒Re: some Qs I have in mind for TCM# Biology - 生物学
U got a good point
Another 2 big things from my personal experience that can cause big problems,
which is very hard to be aware of:
1. U C people you really care about are suffering, and you can't do anything
to help
2. U realized that your best friend betrayed you, but you choose not to say
anything to anybody
Mind is much more complicated than success/failure, happy/unhappy, but if you
are prepared and/or awared, nothing can hurt you that much. but for sure,
nobody has a 金刚不坏之神。
No matter you
according to certain theory(with some experimental support),
the release of dopamine is correlated with the reward expectation
error, which is the reward you receive minus the reward you expect.
If you have a positive error, you have an unexpected large reward,
your dopamine neurons fire, and you experience a sense of happiness.
Some drugs that mess up the dopamine release also mess up your
happiness, for example, cocaine, nicotine...
that's not why i'm messing up with you now. i'm expecting no

【在 d***y 的大作中提到】
: U got a good point
: Another 2 big things from my personal experience that can cause big problems,
: which is very hard to be aware of:
: 1. U C people you really care about are suffering, and you can't do anything
: to help
: 2. U realized that your best friend betrayed you, but you choose not to say
: anything to anybody
: Mind is much more complicated than success/failure, happy/unhappy, but if you
: are prepared and/or awared, nothing can hurt you that much. but for sure,
: nobody has a 金刚不坏之神。
