Capricorns have an enormous admiration for those who have preceded them to
the top of the mountain, and who have laid down the laws for the journey.
He's such a shy, sweet soul, a trifle stubborn perhaps, but gentle about it.
He seems so harmless. What a safe person to trust and confide in-how
pleasantly he builds your ego. Who could hurt him or suspect him of ambition
? All the while, Capricorn is using your own weaknesses, conceits and
jealousies to make himself stronger. He's useful and eventually so
indispensable that you ask him to take over the reins. Then hell rule
unobtrusively in the corner, modestly pulling the strings of authority. The
goat submerges his ego to gain what his ego truly desires-the position
of the real leader. With kindly, but stem, cautious wisdom he guards the
past from neglect and protects the present from confusion, so you can build
tomorrow safely.
He doesn't have to lead the parade with a big brass band. He gives
permission for the parade, and plans its route from behind the scenes. All
the daring high-wire acts need the Capricorn's strong, safe net when they
miscalculate and tumble. The discipline and formality of jet black and
navy blue-the solid practicality of brown-the deep, honest dreams of dark
green-these are the quiet colors of his enduring rainbow. Walk slowly
through his silent forest, carpeted in soft moss and climbing ivy-and seek
the eight hidden treasures of Saturn. Rich, red rubies lie buried beneath
the Capricorn, weeping willow. Stay- and leam the eternal beauty of the pure
, smooth onyx. Capricorn lead is solid, and Capricorn coal builds lasting