简单是简单,但是不如 space Jesus 严密。 主要在于,电影强烈暗示 Engineer 在人类早期就来过地球了。 所以有哪些壁画。所以不存在突然发现地球有人类的的事情。 而且 Engineer 早期还邀请人类去找 Engineer,非常友好的。 这个电影和Trailer 都反复讲一个“The trick is, does not mind it hurts". 就是一个生命的延续是要牺牲死亡为代价的。 那个黑色液体和生化武器是同一种东西。碰到纯洁的心灵, 有牺牲精神就可以做好事,分解 DNA 产生好的物种。 碰到邪恶的东西就会产生异行和怪物。 这就是为什么那个男科学家没有变异型,因为具有牺牲自己 而成全他人的精神。邀请别人把自己烧掉。
9 楼
tmobile没法用iPhone的3G 等于没有
10 楼
One of my colleagues was in almost the same situation when she went back to China. She was checked for nearly half a year and yet her salary was suspended only at end of the third month. 1. 超过3个星期,是否应该问老板不要给我发工资? In my opinion, you may not want to bring this up yourself. If she wants to and can do that, she'll without your education ;-) You could never satisfy this bitch. Do what you need to do and get used to not being worried about pissing her off. 2. 超过3个星期,~~~~~~4.作为敏感专业,我们h1b返签应该注意一些什么事项 ?比如回答问题方面? I suggest that you seriously seek support from your international office. In my colleague's case, her husband told me there were over 4lbs of documents being prepared and submitted here in the States when she was stuck in China. As for the visa interview, i suppose you plan to do that as soon as you land in China. Then please be prepared for all the negative effects from jet-lag . Enjoy your visiting back home. With all these yrs here with bad PIs, you'll find how much your family means to you. Last but not least, best luck for finding a good lab in the near future.
屁点事,有啥好猜的。我要是creator, 想杀就杀,想剐就剐。本来造物主毁灭自己创 造的物种就没有任何道义的负疚。好像旧约里的上帝(耶稣他爹,耶和华)发个大水, 把不喜欢的全淹了,只留诺亚一家。同样,这群鸟engineers, 不知道对人类有什么不 爽(导演还在填坑呢),开始准备下杀手,结果把自己先秒了。真TMD矬。 What a shame to be created by such a group of suckish losers! 就是一烂片。
导演早借David之口,引用阿拉伯的劳伦斯的台词说了: "There is nothing in the desert. And no man needs nothing." 本来工程师造物的目的就是一片虚无,或者是"because we can",各位和女主角一样非 要追求一个解释,无非是因为大家不喜欢虚无罢了。
hahaha they are not trying to make you feel bad. They are just trying to share their happiness with you. Why don't you find a better job and share the good news with them?
I got checked when I went home in Dec, even though I never got it when I was a graduate student. All 3 postdocs holding H1b visa I know got checked. It took 30 days for my case to get cleared. You can check this website to get a sample of the statistics: http://checkee.info/ There does not seem very much one could do to expedite the process. Here are my 2 cents: 1) Provide all the documents they may ask for, such as CV, research summary, support letter etc. When you get checked, sometimes the VO would not ask for those documents, but weeks later, you may get an email asking to fax those to the consulate. So to avoid such delays, be proactive when you get checked, and make sure they collect all the necessary documents. 2) Make your research description look simple and harmless... 3) Be prepared for the delays. Maybe over 95% of people get cleared around one month, but there are indeed cases that take a lot longer, even nowadays.
hahaha they are not trying to make you feel bad. They are just trying to share their happiness with you. Why don't you find a better job and share the good news with them?