I feel like your situation is quite similar to mine. My responsibility in the lab is to play so-called "research" games with the boss.
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41 楼
【在 h********n 的大作中提到】 : in your case, no notice is needed
42 楼
我给了我老板3个月。 不是我人好, 得找他写推荐信啊。。。。
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You SHOULD tell your PI you will leave after the contract ends. Normally you don't have to inform your PI about your leave since you have a contract with him- by default you can leave whenever the contract ends. However, you mentioned to him that you will be a volunteer after the expiration of your contract. Your PI can sue you for damages based on promossory estoppel doctrine. For example, he could argue he doesn't hire other people or volunteers because he relys on your promise to be a volunteer. Now you just want to leave after the contracts ends and he needs another month (maybe more) to find a person to replace you. He might not win. But why you bother to go through such a hassle? Inform your PI at least 2 weeks before you leave. Or if it doesn't cause any inconvenience on you, just tell him now. Besides, if you expressed your volunteer idea to your PI by written media (emails or letters), you should use the same media to tell your PI you will leave after expire of your contract.
just do what you are supposed to do. 1. tell your boss you do not volunteer. 2.He/she will be very upset in the first a few days, but copy your notebook, put your data into cd. organize your stuff. throw away everything you do not want. put into computer for your protocol, if your notebook does not include them. then leave.
If you are sure you do not need him in future, tell him that because he cannot renew your contract, you will not be working for him anymore, during your LAST HOUR at your lab, if not the last five minutes. Then set your email to auto reply, saying your are not with the lab, and redirect all your requests to the corresponding party. According to your description of your boss, you will have n nightmares if you told him n days before.
谢谢大家认真的回复,就不一一感谢了。参考大家的建议,我会仔细考虑,尽量把事情 做到完满。 我说要做volunteer,只是跟老板平时闲聊时说的,没有留下过任何纸质证据。大概只 有两次闲聊时谈到,还是至少三五个月之前,而且没有其他人听到过。其实我不是故意 的敷衍他,实在是我的老板脾气不好,象疯了似的经常拿乱七八糟的事和话题bother我 。他写的那个proposal东一句、西一句的、真的很难读啊,我和他的学生都是读了一句 话都不想看第二句,都不知道能中什么funding。他自己stress out了,就去烦别人。 有一次问我career想法,我就说了“if you are good to me, I can be the volunteer in the lab”。他还有点不好意思的脸红了,说“That is not good”,可 是脸红也掩盖不了他想占便宜后得意洋洋的心理。还有一次说要送我出去学东西,我知 道那是驴子前面吊着的萝卜,又问我的打算,我就说可以volunteer。我不这样说,也 不能把实话说出来,说我恨透了每天做的实验,我要改行。每个老板都suppose博后要 献身和热爱科研的,没有passion和motivation,也得装装。 其实我还是很佩服那些真正做科研、热爱科研的人,可惜自己不曾有这样的机会将这条 路走下去了。我经常想就是去打扫垃圾、当保姆,我也不愿意做现在这种没有意义的游 戏。老板有时候脾气不好,但是nice的时候其实也不赖。只是实在没办法做到明知道自 己做的东西没有前途,还要一门心思走下去。 我家LD因为fellowship的原因还要在这个地方呆两年。我就是离开这个实验室,也还有 和现在老板见面的时候。希望自己可以把交接工作做好,但是如果真的需要我帮忙我也 不会袖手旁观的,但是他也甭想再东一出、西一出的烦我了。希望自己能最大限度的 professional。
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今天早上的结果是大家都明白我的合同是到下月底。 老板说他还有三个月的钱,我说“save for the students, students are more important than me"。老板不置可否,在那里blabla,居然还提到应该给我涨工资。我 记得很清楚,上次延期,他说没有钱啊,学生很需要钱啊,愿意的话就延期半年吧。我 知道我所用的funding和学生的funding完全不同的,而且我使用的funding也只有半年 时间了。 我提到我要转J2身份,所以不用延期合同。我也提到J2可以有work permit,不过我丝 毫没说我还会在这个实验室里工作啊,当然也不绝口不提volunteer的事。 老板又问我career的事,我说在美国和在中国有不一样的计划,美国不会是academic, 中国的话倾向于academic。老板很紧张的问我有没有在找工作。我说never,而且在美 国找中国工作有点不方便,这里白天,那里黑天,不好交流啊。老板呵呵笑,他今天一 天的心情都十分的好。 过两天度假回来再提交接的事。我就说身份问题没搞定,估计只能回国了(实际上也非 常可能),希望training他的学生把我的工作瓜分了。