老板fail 了我的research credit。。。转专业会有影响吗# Biology - 生物学
1 楼
I only met three persons today. It looks failed already although I think I d
id pretty well. The interview questions that I met today:
1) implement Most Recently Used cache
2) a. print trees in level by level (breadth first seach)
b. print the trees in level by level. But nodes in the odd levels are pri
nted in sequence order,
and those in even levels are printed in reverse order.
3) there is one binary search tree. Now, add one more pointer for each node
and link nodes in the same level. The
id pretty well. The interview questions that I met today:
1) implement Most Recently Used cache
2) a. print trees in level by level (breadth first seach)
b. print the trees in level by level. But nodes in the odd levels are pri
nted in sequence order,
and those in even levels are printed in reverse order.
3) there is one binary search tree. Now, add one more pointer for each node
and link nodes in the same level. The