Let's get this straight, nobody 盗用数据 from you because you do NOT own any data and intellectual property in the lab. The only thing that you could dispute is that the PI didn't give you fair credit in the publication, either as authorship or acknowledgement. You didn't provide details of how your contributions compare against other authors. If I have liberty to speculate, you, as a first year PhD student in the lab, probably followed instructions from other senior lab members to produce the sample and picture as one of the figure. That may or may not warrant authorship depending on the whole story of the paper. You have rights (and money) to file lawsuit, but I doubt that you would get anything beyond an acknowledgement
虽然做出来的东西属于前老板,但楼主有权要求credit.如果楼主有实验记录证明那幅 图是自己做出来的话,可以通过电子邮件的形式向前老板索要authorship.如果前老板 蛮横无理,可以把这件事以邮件的形式向系里院里以及杂志社申诉。必要时捅给前老板 在系里的对头,这件事在以后的院系政治斗争中就会成为他们攻击前老板的重要口实。 You should fight for your own interest!