面世学校staff要穿西装么? (转载)# Biology - 生物学
1 楼
第一次看房买房,看了一个还算满意的single family house,但发现地下室墙上有两
条裂缝,墙是水泥墙, The foundation walls are poured concrete. 裂缝是从窗户角
问中介,说任何的房子地下室都有裂缝, 中介原话是 - Every home I have ever
shown or sold, including the one my family lives in, has settlement cracks in
the foundation walls of the basement.
这话是不是吹牛, 为了让我们买房?? 任何的房子地下室都有??
条裂缝,墙是水泥墙, The foundation walls are poured concrete. 裂缝是从窗户角
问中介,说任何的房子地下室都有裂缝, 中介原话是 - Every home I have ever
shown or sold, including the one my family lives in, has settlement cracks in
the foundation walls of the basement.
这话是不是吹牛, 为了让我们买房?? 任何的房子地下室都有??