背景是国内综排top4 食品专业,大三2+2到美国综排top15读生物。concentration 是
computational biology,但是实验经历,不管国内国外,都是在分子生物学的wet lab
。现在大四上申请季,准备申请bioinformatics 的phd。
research director,非常熟悉我的情况,说会write me a strong letter,但是也坦言
computational biology,她自己是做组织再生的,只是大一的时候打过酱油。个人
于是我就拼命找和computational biology 相关的第三封推荐信。这学期
computational biology这门课的教授。答应给我写推荐信,但是这学期事情实在太忙
路),但是教授还是说他给我写推荐信的offer still open。一直被他的这封推荐信搞
Maybe the fairest way to proceed would be for me to tell you the type of
letter I feel I would be able to write, given what I have seen, and then
you can decide whether you'd like me to go ahead and write it or whether
you'd rather ask someone else. Here's what I could say: I have met with
you no multiple occasions and you seem like a bright, highly motivated,
focused student, with a clear idea of what you would like to pursue in
graduate school. You have done well as a biology major at XXX, and have
kept up with a challenging course load including not just biology
courses but courses in Math, CS, and statistics (I can talk a bit about
the computational biology concentration). You have done an honors
thesis and been active in undergraduate research. Then I can say a bit
about my class,
giving your performance a positive spin: it's a cross-listed class with
more grad students than undergrads, it's considered a very challenging
course but you have kept up with the material, turned in all homeworks,
done reasonably well (though not at the top of the class). I can also
talk about your project if you find a good one and do well on it. This
is about what the letter would be like -- I can generally emphasize the
challenging nature of what you've taken on, stress your maturity, state
that I think you will likely do well in graduate school, while allowing
that you are not at the very top of our students in terms of academic
accomplishments. On balance I think this would be seen as a reasonably
positive letter, but not a glowing one. You will have to decide whether
you think this will help you or not.
一开始觉得比较relieving,但是仔细读,那个not the top of our students in
terms of academic accomplishments还有on balance this would be a
positive letter感觉有点不对劲儿。不知道这个唯一一封computational 相关的推荐
鸭梨真的灰常大,我尽量做到没有在show off,我的背景不咋地,希望前辈们理解。叩