【在 M*****n 的大作中提到】 : all lab space in a HHMI lab is rented by HHMI from the university. : not only the office. : this was told by our departmental resources manager.
11 楼
One question: how can get Milli-Q Pure water in 柳江area medical college lab now? from 超市純淨水 or air transport from Guangzhou area 超市純淨水? Later if similar case happened near Hubei how his lab deal with that situation? air transport Milli-Q Pure water from Singapore or Seoul? htp://www.hhmi.org/research/iecs/tang_bio.html then what is the indirect cost for this task? may be 纯粹无厘头cost啊!? ZZ 絕不讓沿江群眾喝上被镉污染的柳江水 在柳州市南城百貨、世紀聯華等大型超市看到,原本擺放純淨水的貨架上今日空空如也 ,前來搶購的市民依然不少。市民張女士說,昨天下午五點多在文昌路的南城百貨超市 購物時,本來想在結款前最後才搬一件純淨水,孰料幾分鐘後,貨架旁一瓶水都不剩了。 柳州市委書記陳剛說:「市委、市政府承諾,絕不讓沿江群眾喝上被污染的水,要告訴 沿江每戶家庭,請他們短期內不要直接取用柳江水作為飲用水。」(新華社) htp://inews.mingpao.com/htm/Inews/20120127/ca51958c.htm