急需review,有不要的review请推荐# Biology - 生物学
recommendation letter,我是做以斑马鱼为模式生物的心血管研究的,并对cancer和
My name is Jingchun Yang. I am currently working at Mayo Clinic College of
Medicine, USA, as a Research Associate. I got my Ph.D. degree from Institute
of Genetics, Fudan University, China in 2008. I would like to contribute as
a reviewer to review papers for xxx. I have published 9 papers in peer-
reviewed journal including FASEB Journal, Circulation Research and Human
Molecular Genetics. The total citation of my paper is over 90 times.
My current area of key expertise covers the following topics: vascular &
cardiac biology, molecular biology, genetics and Zebrafish disease model. I
have been reviewer of European Heart Journal, Plos One, and Journal of
Genetics and Genomics, peer-reviewed journals dedicated to publishing high
quality research.
I have been working in the field of molecular biology for about ten years.
Very often I find papers in my interested topics from your journal. My
scientific trainings in both writing and reviewing have prepared me a good
reviewer candidate. It will be my great honor if I have the chances to
review papers for xxx. If given manuscripts for review, I will do my best to
offer timely and professional reviews.
My CV is also attached with this email for your reference and convenience.
If you need any further information about me, please feel free to contact me
. I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Sincerely yours,
Jingchun Yang, Ph.D.
Research Associate
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
Phone: (507)284-8373
Fax: (507)284-8388
E-mail: y***********[email protected]