usually after 1st teeth eruption, see pediatric dentist. suggest first dental visit within 1 year. pediatric dentist check not only caries. the examination includes occlusion such as crossbites, soft tissue (tongue tie, labial frenum, ulcers, Herps..) , habit (thumb sucking, pacifier which can affect child oral development such as open bite). we also check if child had abnoraml tooth development. if there is limited space or loss space for future permanent teeth eruption, the oral appliance is needed ASAP. so sometime, part of orthodontic treatment began at 4 or 5 years old to prevent future complications.
12 楼
peptide bond是amide bond,理论上是非常稳定的,只有强酸或者强碱催化下加热才能 水解,某些特定的序列,比如Asp-Pro这种,可以由于侧链之间的反应导致peptide bond cleavage,但是即使是这样的反应在室温和偏中性pH下也是很缓慢的。如果SDS样 品煮完之后在一天之内有显著降解那要怀疑一下是不是有什么残存的蛋白酶活性。