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My understanding of BioinformaticsRe: 一个关于减肥计划的构想Should SNPs be patented?Re: [转载] [求助]那些学校有BioinformaticRe: 请问刚才在读science --- 兼答 greece正好这期Science有个书评Re: 进化论:一个错误的信仰(1)Re: DNA microarry bioinformatics?究竟谁捉住了艾滋病毒?Re: 你是干什么的?Re: ?么是生物控制论?another clone trick: 3-way ligationRe: question about P element transposition....Re: 大伙给出个主意..Re: help: the infection mechanism of prion and how to prove it by expeRe: about Mad Cow DiseaseRe: Who has experience in doing In-situ Hybridization?[转载] 长篇: 东方魔稻与袁隆平Re: question about cloning from BAC研究发现人脑能产生新细胞